Headteacher’s Welcome
Why Choose Kingsdown?
About Us
Contact Us
Great Teaching and Learning
Disadvantaged Students
Exam Information
Financial Statement
The Kingsdown Vision
Kingsdown School Prospectus
Pastoral Care
Promoting British Values
The River Learning Trust
School’s History
SEN & Disability Provision
Term Dates - School Day
Google Chromebooks
Remote education provision
Equality Diversity Inclusion (EDI)
KDS Culture
House System
As well as belonging to a year group and a tutor group, and to Kingsdown School each student also belongs to one of four houses.
Each of the houses represent different prides of lion and each student will belong to either:
Atlas House (Yellow) led by Mr Dadge
Barbary House (Red) led by Mrs Foot
Mosbach House (Green) led by Mr Svenson
Nubian House (Blue) led by Mr Strett
Every student and every member of staff belong to one of the four houses.
The purpose of the house system is to build a sense of connection and belonging. Students have house assemblies every two weeks during which they celebrate achievements, undertake challenges, hear and talk about the importance of the school virtues and values and have fun together. Students are encouraged to take an active role with house challenges during these assemblies with events such as STEM challenges, a food bank and toy appeal as well as the fun ‘Christmas Extravaganza’ full of fun games.
Beyond the assemblies all students are encouraged to take part in charity events, sporting activities and other events such as a spelling bee or decorating a Christmas tree to earn points for their house. The program of house events across the year ensures there are opportunities for all students to contribute to their house in a positive way and develop new skills and talents.
Students have the opportunity every day both inside and outside the classroom to be rewarded for demonstrating the school BEATs and earn achievement points for this. They also earn achievement points for attendance, quality of home learning and Gold Cards for excellent achievements. Every single point earned by students goes towards their house total.
An important part of the house system is the student leadership opportunities where students in year 10 and 11 can apply to be house captains (Senior students) there are also a team of prefects in each house, who lead the house in both assemblies and house events.
The spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) development of students is the core of students personal development which transcends all areas of student experience at Kingsdown School. SMSC is essential to helping our students developing a strong sense of self and an awareness of their place in society. It helps our students develop into well-rounded, thoughtful, and respectful individuals. Though the curriculum, enrichment and culture of the school our students are given the opportunities to explore and develop their values, beliefs and own moral compass. Moreover it helps them develop connections with others and can help promote social cohesion and understanding and can contribute to the overall well-being and happiness of our students.
Is intentionally designed to develop our students spiritually through our BEAT of Respect and virtue of kindness which encourages those core values which all religious and non-religious views agree. Our BEAT of challenge encourages our students to be curious.
All teachers deliver with passion for their subject and try to instil a sense of awe and wonder with their students. In RS and PD students are able to reflect on different beliefs and views as well as their own. In English and history students look at different perspectives and develop a sense of empathy. The arts of music, drama and art as well as DT encourages students to develop and use their imagination and creativity.
Students have regular assemblies which focus on a range of religious and non-religious views including religious festivals and virtues of kindness. The tutor programme also allows for further discussion of these themes shared in assemblies. Clubs such as drama and creative writing as well as trips to galleries and museums helps develop student imagination and creativity. Our Book Your Future program through tutor time explores different literature and explores emotions and feelings.
Is intentionally designed to help our students develop their moral character. The BEATs of Respect, Responsibility and Ambition have the moral messages, being the best version of yourself, respecting others and not letting the side down. Virtues of Kindness, honesty, connection and gratitude are taught, caught and sought to help students develop their character and moral compass. As a school moving to being Rights Respecting School- there is a constant focus on students rights, the respect for others rights and our students wrote and all students signed up to our school charter for the classroom and corridor.
In lessons all students are expected to follow STAR to engage with others and their learning. These and pro-social behaviours are explicitly taught. Subjects such as PD, History, RS, drama and English focus on moral and ethical choices and explore the concepts of right and wrong. In science, business studies, DT, sport studies and health and social care ethical discussions happen around the practical application of ethics in those fields. In PE students are taught and encouraged to win and lose well, to treat others with respect. In PD including citizenship students are taught explicitly about civil and criminal law.
Assemblies have key moral or ethical messages - in particular linking to key events, UN global goals, UNICEF as well as linking to pro-social behaviours. Rights education though assemblies and tutor activities develop an understanding of student rights and the respect of these. Our peer educators write, train others and teach students about the BEATs and their rights. Students in years 9, 10 and 11 have the opportunity to be prefects who are the role models of the school.
Is intentionally designed to foster connection STAR encourages connection between others in lessons, appreciation of others ideas, and respect for one another. The Virtue of Connection focuses on the importance of connection for humans and how we can do this. Respectful conversations is part of our focus on the BEAT of Respect as well as Pro-social behaviours, this is explicitly taught, caught and sought. Our BEAT of Responsibility - reminds student that they are part of something special. The House system ( our houses Atlas, Barbary, Mosbach and Nubian) provide a sense of community and connection allowing participation and cooperation whilst in competition.
In all lessons students are encouraged to share ideas and listen respectfully to the ideas of others, to work collaboratively and demonstrate teamwork. In the PD curriculum students develop an understanding of relationships and along with Geography and RS look at the world around us. In PE students look at a range of skills in working with others including sports leadership, and in Drama, PE, French, History and Art students are encouraged to work with each other and in groups. In careers lessons as well as across subjects employability skills such as teamwork, problem solving, leadership, presentation and creative skills
Students have house assemblies which are a bi-weekly focus on connection and competition for example their charity competition of toy appeal and food bank collections. House captains (students in years 10 and 11) lead the connection between students in houses. Further student leadership opportunities such as charity groups, sports leaders and transition ambassadors focus on the importance of connection. Our Head students lead the student body including the school and year councils which allow for student voice to be heard. The Enrichment program allows students to socialise both at lunchtime and after school in a variety of clubs. They are able to compete in sports fixtures with other schools. We also offer both Bronze and Silver DofE which includes volunteering opportunities with over 70 students participating this year.
Is intentionally designed to respect and celebrate different cultures and traditions. The BEAT of stretch encourages students to learn more and the education of different cultures is and important part of of focus. As a Rights Respecting school students learn about the rights of others this includes looking at how rights affect people across the world and in different cultures. The BEAT of respect as well as Article 2 leads to a focus on non-discrimination where students not only learn but are encourage to put into practice how this right needs to be respected including protected characteristics.
There are many opportunities to explore different cultures. In English and Drama different texts are used to help students understand different cultures and backgrounds. Music, and Drama allows students access a range of material from different cultures, genres and styles. In History, Geography, RS and French students students explore other cultures. DT Food explores culinary traditions of other cultures and in Art students study the work of artists from around the world, exploring the cultural context of artists and their work. Through PD students study the importance of diversity and the need for kindness and respect of difference including protected characteristics.
Assemblies ensure a regular focus on celebrations, and links to diversity and the respect for protected characteristics. Tutor time activities have a regular focus on range of different cultural events. This is supported with Drop down mornings which give students the opportunity to explore STEM, sporting competitions and art, as well as the culture days for KS3. Our extra -curricular offer includes a range of different cultural opportunities from sport, to music, drama and D&D this is supported by trips and visits include to sporting events, theatre and music performances. We also have student leadership opportunities though our champions of change group which works on celebration and education of EDI.
FBV | Examples of student experience |
Democracy | Article 12 says all children have a right to be heard” This is fundamental to Kingsdown School. Students are encouraged to be heard through the council system, different groups, student voice emails. Students are not just heard but what they have to say is actioned.The tutor reps and school council are elected which mirrors the electoral system of the UK. Systems of parliament are explicitly taught about the UK parliamentary system in Year 8. Different forms of government are taught in Year 10. |
Rule of Law | As a school working to be rights respecting students are aware of their rights and the rights of others. Through the school council students have created their own school charter based on their rights for both inside and outside of the classroom. The creation of laws and how they are created and how citizens can influence this is taught in year 9. Students are taught about protected characteristics and Article 2 on a regular basis. |
Individual liberty | Throughout the curriculum and in particular though PD students are taught to develop the skills required to succeed in learning and in life. As a school becoming rights respecting students are taught explicitly about their rights, they are taught through their rights as well as respect and standing up for the rights of others. Students know that their rights are universal, inalienable, indivisible and are equal. |
Mutual respect | There is a culture in school of respectful relationships between all, this is explicitly taught, sought and caught. Students are taught that all are equal and should be treated as such. The school charter and pro-social behaviours all encourage respect between all. The Respect BEAT is fundamental to the school ethos and the virtue of kindness. |
Tolerance | Different faiths and beliefs as well as non-religious ideas are both taught and celebrated with a variety of opportunities to access the year though the assembly and tutor program as well as the culture days.Understanding and tolerance of different faiths, opinions and beliefs is reflected in our RS, History and PD curriculums. |
We believe that the BEATs provide for our students the core values and character traits which will help them develop into employees of the future and good human beings. We believe that to champion each of our students they need to feel that they belong. We aim to ‘claim’ each individual student. The education we provide will teach children not just how to be successful in the exam hall but to develop the knowledge, skills and values they will require to develop into well rounded young people. The BEATs provide the foundation for this, and are central to the development of each student. Our students deserve a school and a community that they can be part of, a school that cares about them, and one to which they belong.
In order to champion each and every student all staff use the Rights Respecting language of the BEATs to develop positive relationships with students. Every student has a named champion for the vast majority this is their tutor. Our Culture of High Aspirations (CHAsp) champions every student to reach their full potential both academically as well as in the development of their character. We believe that a rights respecting culture is a demonstration of the BEATs in action, and that the explicit teaching or rights and the need to respect these of these is fundamental to developing each student. We ensure that students are rewarded for their efforts in all areas of school life.
Our BEATs permeate throughout each area of the curriculum, we explicitly teach students the BEATs, what they mean, how they are demonstrated and why they are so important, this provides the basis for the character education of students along with our school virtues. Through our PD programme we develop our students understanding further of the BEATs this incorporates citizenship, PSHE and careers education. Our Religious Studies curriculum supports this the development of students character and understanding of respect throughout KS3 and 4, and our enrichment programme gives our students a wider experience of BEATs in action.
Our students are invested in the BEATs and the importance of these are not lost on them. Many of our students choose to become ambassadors to help new students to the school belong. Our Champions of Change and Hear to Here ensure that no student is not represented and feel safe. The prefects are proud of their school and are great role models of the BEATs and these are ably led by our senior and Head students who lead the peer education of rights education and BEATs to all in school.
We believe that to truly champion every member of our school community we must strive to be a diverse and equitable school in which every member of the school community feels like they are seen, heard and belong. As a school, we are committed to the highest ideals in our search for full equality, diversity and inclusion; and this is central to our school’s ethos and values as outlined in our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) statement:
Our school is mindful of its duties under The Equality Act 2010 and the Public Sector Equalities Duties (2011), which require us to publish equality information and equality objectives, which should be specific, measurable and timely. The three aims of the general equality duty are to:
The governing body and staff of the school have adopted the River Learning Trust’s Equality, Diversity and Inclusion policy (EDI) RLT Equality Diversity and Inclusion Policy and share the values included in it. The promotion of the three aims of the equality duty is inherent in the school’s mission, which is ‘We champion each and every student’ and in the six ‘Beats’ which underpin the culture of the school for students and staff alike:
Rights Respecting School
As a school moving to be rights respecting EDI is at the heart of our discussions around young people being able to enjoy their rights, how we as duty bearers need to ensure students rights are protected and how all members of the community need to respect the rights of others. This rights education which discussions about protected characteristics takes place during tutor times, assemblies, peer education, in PD lessons and throughout the curriculum where it it relevant. This education comes in the form of learning about rights, learning through the modelling of how people should be treated by staff and students and learning about for the rights of others, especially when people do not have their rights protected.
Champions of change
Our champions of change are a group of students who promote the celebration and in some cases education around protected characteristics especially throwing a spotlight on identity based bullying. They have led assemblies raising awareness for example of LGBTQ+ History and have created resources to share with students to consider during tutor time. This year they are focusing on:
What are we doing this year?
Equality objectives for 2024-25
Objective 1: To ensure that disadvantaged students:
Objective 2: To ensure that SEND students:
Objective 3: To further embed a culture of respectful relationships and kindness to all across all stakeholders.
At Kingsdown School, we believe in fostering strong partnerships between home and school. Effective communication is at the heart of these partnerships, ensuring that parents and carers are always well-informed about their child’s education and school life.
This dedicated communication hub serves as a central repository for all official and weekly communications from Kingsdown School. Here, you will find timely updates, important announcements, upcoming events, and valuable resources to support your child’s learning journey.
Academic Year - 2024-25:
Term 1
Parent Comms 6th September 2024
Parent Comms 13th September 2024
Parent Comms 20th September 2024
Parent Comms 27th September 2024
Parent Comms 4th October 2024
Parent Comms 11th October 2024
Parent Comms 18th October 2024
Term 2
Parent Comms 8th November 2024
Parent Comms 15th November 2024
Parent Comms 22nd November 2024
Parent Comms 29th November 2024
Parent Comms 6th December 2024
Parent Comms 13th December 2024
Term 3
Parent Comms 10th January 2025
Parent Comms 17th January 2025
Parent Comms 24th January 2025
Parent Comms 31st January 2025
Parent Comms 7th February 2025
Parent Comms 14th February 2025
Term 4
Parent Comms 24th February 2025
Parent Comms 28th February 2025
Parent Comms 7th March 2025
Parent Comms 14th March 2025
Parent Comms 21st March 2025
Kingsdown School is leading the way in trying to get a national Road Safety campaign going - ‘Alert Today, Alive Tomorrow’; the name for which was chosen by two of our Student Leaders, Bobby and Libby.
This campaign is not only intended to save the lives of our students and the wider community, but of children and indeed adults nationwide. There has been no national road safety campaign for many years but sadly there have been countless pedestrians/cyclists killed or injured on our roads.
Within our school community alone, there have been 3 children hit by cars in the last 5 years; one of whom very tragically lost her life.
Emma Leigh-Bennett, Headteacher:
“The correlation, the link, between those children involved in RTAs being either 11 or 12 years old is very, very strong and the correlation between children using mobile phones and having either earphones or AirPods in their ears, whilst crossing roads and indeed, stepping out in between parked cars, so it’s time to get a really clear, national campaign going.”
Sharing our passion for the importance of this campaign, local and national businesses have come on board to sponsor and support us. Our aim is for this to lead to a new national Road Safety strategy and through which save lives and keep children safe as they travel to and from school. It is interesting to note that the last national road safety campaign for children was in 1997! I’m sure you’ll remember the Hedgehogs as well as the previous Green Cross Code campaign - but that was over 20 years ago. Young people today need to hear a new and dynamic message so that they stay Alert Today - Alive Tomorrow.
This video was created by one of our Year 10 students:
Sponsors/supporters of this campaign so far include those listed below. If you would like to come on board, please contact Barbara Parry bparry@kingsdownschool.co.uk with the subject line, ‘Alert Today Alive Tomorrow’.
Our student newspaper is The Lion’s Roar, the current issue can be accessed below, or click on ‘Archive’ for older issues.
Further information will appear here for parents and students for the new cohort of Year 7 in 2025-26.
The application process is now open. If you are wanting to apply for a Year 7 place for your child starting in September 2025, please apply online through Swindon borough council.
Date given by Swindon Borough Council | Activity |
1 September 2024 | Application period opens. You can make your application online. |
31 October 2024 | Secondary application closing date. You can make an application after this date, but it will be a late application. Late applications are not considered until all on-time applications have been considered and allocated. |
10 January 2025 | Deadline to submit a change of address for consideration. |
3 March 2025 | Offer day. You will receive your offer of a secondary school place. |
17 March 2025 | Deadline day for accepting an offer. |
xxx May 2025 | xx May- Parent information evening. This event is for parents only. 18:00 @ Kingsdown School |
xx June 2025 | xx June- Parent information evening. This event is for parents only. 18:00 @ Kingsdown school |
Term 6 - 2nd and 3rd July. | Transition days @ Kingsdown school 9:00- 14:30 Parents to collect |
Monday 18th- 22nd August 2025 | Summer school for Cohort 2030 The days will run from 8:30-1:30 |
In early March, you will have heard from Swindon’s Admission team informing you if Kingsdown has been given to you as your school of choice. The school will then be in touch with you, your parents and your Primary school to start the transition process.
From April, our Transition team will begin to work with your Primary schools. We discuss each and everyone of our new students at great length to ensure that we really do start to ‘know our students well’.
In May we will send you information introducing: The Kingsdown Beats; Mrs. Gilbert - Your Progress Leader; Mrs. Criddle - Assistant Headteacher and Mrs. Leigh-Bennett - our Headteacher. We hope this information will be useful in preparing you for secondary school.
We will be hosting a Year 6 information evening to ensure that you know all of the key information to support your transition into Kingsdown school. We will share information such as timings of the school day, you Chromebook, meal time, extra curricular and enrichment, the Transition days and much more.
This meeting is for parents only and will run in the main hall from 18:00-19:00.
Transitions days
Transition Days for Year 6 for this year (2025) are 2nd and 3rd July.
In the summer of 2021 we launched ‘Roar to the Beat’, our Summer school for our future Year 7 students. The theme of the week is based on ‘The butterfly lion’ by Michael Morpurgo whilst also encompassing many different subjects such as Geography, English, Music, PE and Art. Students learn about the 6 Kingsdown Beats, what they look like and how students can develop these whilst at Kingsdown school. Students are also introduced to both physical and human geography such as the countries that make up Africa’s vast continent. This then leads to learning about countries and their culture, such as the instruments and drums used to create African music e.g. the Djembe and the Dun-Dun.
Every day of summer school encompasses a literacy focus based upon the school’s very successful “Book Your Future” program. Everyday will be closed with students reading a section of the Butterfly Lion, by Michael Morpurgo. This will then be followed by discussion and comprehension tasks which proved to be very popular in the most recent Summer school. Students will also get to connect with their new peers and their teachers by exploring team building activities such as tent building, rope swing and robot building. This developed students’ ability to stretch and challenge themselves in different ways.
The summer school is free of charge and a great way for students to connect with their new peer group and their new school #team.
All the Kingsdown team and our year 8 Transition Ambassadors will be ready to welcome your son/daughter to the Kingsdown family - their 5 year exciting journey at Kingsdown will begin.
“I am very impressed with how fast the school has switched over to online learning. I have some understanding of what is needed to be done and this is no small feat. Very well done to everyone involved.”
“My son got so much from the day being logged into the virtual classroom, I appreciate how challenging it must be but we do appreciate your efforts.”
“Total respect to you all. I see it all in my house. The staff and students are doing a great job. Well done Kingsdown. That lion is definitely roaring…”
“It’s been a completely different experience this time round and soooo much better. The planning, preparation and training the staff must have been immense, but it shows. Great job and thank you. I’m not cut out for teaching and I can now leave it in very capable hands of the professionals - thank you all Kingsdown team.”
“Thank you to all the wonderful staff doing such a brilliant job to help all students. I think you are all so caring and amazing.”
“A big shout out to the BRILLIANT staff at Kingsdown. You all are doing a great job. Congratulations!!!!. We parents are learning too. Every day is a learning experience. KUDOS!!!!”
This information is intended to provide clarity and transparency to pupils and parents or carers about what to expect from remote education where national or local restrictions require entire cohorts (or bubbles) to remain at home.
For details of what to expect where individual pupils are self-isolating, please see the final section of this page.
A pupil’s first day or two of being educated remotely might look different from our standard approach, while we take all necessary actions to prepare for a longer period of remote teaching.
In the first day or two, students will be expected to begin to follow their timetable accessing remote learning through Google Classroom. If students are on our Day Loan Chromebook program, and they are in need of their chromebook at home, they will be able to collect this along with a charger. Parents and students will be contacted about this, however if you have any questions or need assistance, please contact itsupport@kingsdownschool.co.uk
Yes. Students will be expected to check in with their tutors each morning and follow their timetables accessing remote learning through Google Classroom for each of their lessons at the appropriate time.
We expect that remote education (including remote teaching and independent work) will take pupils broadly 5 hours each day.
Accessing remote education
All students have access to a Chromebook computer to access online remote learning. If a student is on our Day Loan Chromebook program, then they will be able to take this device home in the event of a forced bubble or whole school closure. If there are issues with internet access at home, then we ask that students get in touch with their Progress Leader.
We use a combination of the following approaches to teach pupils remotely:
Students are expected to engage and complete the work of each of the lessons set at the time of their timetabled lesson. This might include completion of quizzes, submission of work and/or verbal feedback. Parents/Carers can support by reviewing their learning each and every day with their child, and helping support where necessary, but directing them to contact their teachers where you cannot assist.
Teachers and leaders will be in touch with parents where there are concerns around their engagement in the learning, however regular conversations between parents/carers and students will enable parents to remain informed about the work students are undertaking.
Feedback can take many forms and may not always mean extensive written comments for individual children. For example, whole-class feedback or quizzes marked automatically via digital platforms are also valid and effective methods, amongst many others.
Feedback will be given to students in a way that is dictated by the needs of the students, and the professional opinion of the teaching staff for example:
We recognise that some pupils, for example some pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), may not be able to access remote education without support from adults at home. We acknowledge the difficulties this may place on families, and we will work with parents and carers to support those pupils in the following ways:
Where individual pupils need to self-isolate but the majority of their peer group remains in school, how remote education is provided will likely differ from the approach for whole groups. This is due to the challenges of teaching pupils both at home and in school.
We will endeavour to supply all students with the resources necessary to complete the lesson, and teachers will be available to check in with students, but there will not be live lessons delivered due to the constraints on teacher time.
The School Kitchens will resume normal service in September 2021 so it will no longer be necessary to pre-order your lunch.
If you need a Parentpay login, please contact fwilliams@kingsdownschool.co.uk
Please ensure you have loaded your Parentpay account in advance. For new starters, you may wish to send your child in with a small amount of cash until you are set up on Parentpay and they have registered with the biometric system.
For full details please see the 20 Clicks newsletters dated 21st July 2020 for each year group applicable for you.
Legend | |
In school at the time shown | |
Study from Home |
Date | Year 7 | Year 8 | Year 9 | Year 10 | Year 11 |
Tue 1st Sept | Re-opening Planning Days (school closed for students) | ||||
Wed 2nd Sept | |||||
Thu 3rd Sept | 8:30 - 12:30 | 11:00 - 3:00 | 10:00 - 2:00 | ||
Fri 4th Sept | 8.30 - 12:30 | 11:00 - 3:00 | 10:00 - 2:00 | ||
Weekend | |||||
Mon 7th Sept | 11:30 - 3:00 | 8:30 - 13:30 | |||
Tue 8th Sept | 9:00 - 1:30 | 8:30 - 3:00 | |||
Wed 9th Sept | 11:30 - 3:00 | 9:00 - 1:30 | 8:30 - 3:00 | ||
Thu 10th Sept | 9:00 - 1:30 | 8:30 - 3:00 | |||
Fri 11th Sept | 9:00 - 1:30 | 8:30 - 3:00 | |||
Weekend | |||||
14th Sept onwards | 8:30 - 2:45 | 8:40 - 2:50 | 8:40 - 2:50 | 8:30 - 3:00 | 8:30 - 3:00 |
Year 7 | Year 8 | Year 9 | Year 10 | Year 11 |
Circle Gate | Circle Gate | Back Gate | Back Gate | Main Front Gate |
The main campaign (2024-25) for parents to arrange their child’s Chromebook option plan for September is closed.
If you missed the campaign, we can still take orders for Option A (Outright purchase) and Option C (Long Term Loan) plans, however payment will need to be made via bank transfer or by card payment at Reception. Please can you email chromebookhelp@kingsdownschool.co.uk or by filling out the form in Chromebook Choices Form if you are interested in either of these options.
The next Campaign | 2025-26 will be open to everyone at the end of the academic year, with the exact date to be confirmed.
If you are joining Kingsdown after the campaign, the available options are listed below on this page, along with their respective links for your selection.
We are proud that Kingsdown is the first school in Swindon to successfully embark on this exciting journey to provide each and every student with a Chromebook device. An innovative venture destined to take our students’ learning experience to a whole new level.
At Kingsdown School we champion each and every student, preparing them for a bright, dynamic future. We celebrate our students becoming well-informed, responsible digital citizens and lifelong learners. In the 21st Century, we firmly believe it is imperative that our students’ educational experience is varied, compelling and as stimulating as possible.
Our daily lives are filled with technology and at Kingsdown School we are quick to embrace new developments with ease and adapt efficiently to the rapidly changing climate.
A Chromebook is a small, lightweight laptop that runs the Google Chrome operating system. This cutting edge technology opens the door to a new and engaging world that extends effective learning beyond the confines of the classroom. The device will significantly enhance the learning experience for our students both in the classroom and at home.
We pride ourselves in ‘knowing our students’ and a Chromebook for every student will further support individualised learning and feedback, providing 24/7 access to a vast range of exceptional resources that will supplement, but not replace the high-quality teaching that Kingsdown values itself on delivering.
Please read a letter from Mrs Leigh-Bennett
Dear Parent/Carer
We have successfully introduced you to a groundbreaking initiative at Kingsdown School which has provided every student with a Chromebook device.
I am confident that even during the unprecedented current circumstances, the impact this scheme has had on our students’ continued learning has been exceptional and is key to uphold the success of their futures.
It is my belief that the Chromebook project has been advantageous to the engagement and outcomes for all our students. Together with the high standard of teaching, Chromebooks have facilitated lessons to be more stimulating and extended effective learning beyond the four walls of the classroom.
I am incredibly proud that Kingsdown School has been the first school in Swindon to embark on this new, exciting journey!
Whilst we understand that purchasing a device will not be suitable for all, we would like to invite you to revisit the many payment options available. Please note, the day loan will continue to be an option but we wanted to present you the opportunity to make a purchase of a device should you wish to.
All of the information for Chromebooks is detailed within this parent booklet but should you still have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at any time via the Chromebook Help email address chromebookhelp@kingsdownschool.co.uk
Yours faithfully,
Emma Leigh-Bennett
For more in-depth information and answers to frequently asked questions please read through our Parent Information Booklet. (2024-25 Campaign)
Chromebook Options Information Booklet (online version)
We are committed to ensuring all students have access to a Chromebook and we have a variety of options to suit all situations. Please see the table below detailing a brief description of each option available and how to make your selection.
Options are explained in further detail within the Parent Information Booklet. Academic year 2024-25
Option | Summary/ How To Sign Up | Total cost |
Option A
£242.33 |
Option B
£243.00 |
Option B2
£261.00 |
Option C
£110 Deposit (less £22 per year) |
Option D
£0 |
Option E
£0 |
If you are a year 6 student joining us in September, all Chromebook information, how to make your option selection and any necessary payments will be given to you during the transition period so that your child will be issued with their device on the first day of school.
New students joining us throughout the academic year will also be contacted during their transition period.
Please contact us via email chromebookhelp@kingsdownschool.co.uk if you would like to know more about any of the options or have any questions, we will be happy to talk you through the process.
All purchased Chromebooks come with a 1-year manufacturer’s warranty and in the event of the device malfunctioning, and if required we will return the Chromebook to manufacturer on your behalf and issue a replacement device until the original is returned.
In addition to the manufacturer’s warranty, one academic year’s accidental damage cover is included in purchase options A and B. This cover can be renewed annually during September of each academic year by paying an additional £22. This additional cover will be available to purchase at the start of each new academic year via ParentPay.
For Option C, this cover cost will be taken from your £110 upfront deposit each academic year.
Link to Accidental Damage Cover Plan: Click Here
We strongly recommend that the device is added to your private home or contents insurance to protect against loss and theft at home. We suggest that you contact your insurance provider to advise further. In addition, having personal belongings/gadget insurance will cover the device against loss or theft away from home, you may wish to consider this also.
Plenty of staff will be on hand to meet your child at the front gate and direct them to the appropriate place. Transition Ambassadors will also be there to escort students.
No, the first PE lesson will not involve changing into kit.
Lockers are allocated on a first come, first served basis. There is a deposit of £15 to pay and they will keep the same locker for the duration of their time at Kingsdown.
Students can get food from one of the 4 serving locations or bring packed lunch. They will pay by using their thumb print linked to their account which you will need to top up in advance.
Lots of staff will be out and about at lesson changeover to ensure that students know where to go. They will also be provided with a map of the buildings. All staff where a high viz jacket during lesson changeover.
Teachers will be understanding in the early weeks of the term. If they need something important, the Year Office can contact home for it to be sent in.
Your child is expected to wear the new school uniform. You can purchase this on several dates throughout term 6 at the “pop up shop” at Kingsdown School.
It may vary a little, but a couple of pieces of homework a night on average. This is accessible on Show My Homework which can be accessed on the home page of the website.
Students are not encouraged to have mobile phones in school. If it is seen or heard by a member of staff, it will be confiscated. Students can collect it from the main reception at the end of the day but on the third occasion, we request parents to collect it. They can go to the Year Office should they need to contact home.
If your child is ill before school, you may decide to send them. You can ring in to alert the Year Office. If they become ill during the school day, they should go to first aid. They will then be assessed and you will be contacted if it is necessary.
A full uniform and equipment list is printed in the planner. They should have a pencil case with pens, (including a green pen), pencil, sharpener, rubber, ruler and scientific calculator. A glue stick is often a useful addition.
The planner is a communication tool between home and school. Your child is expected to write any prep work that they have in the planner. If you wish to update us about any absence or other information, you can use the planner to write in a note.
They can talk to any member of staff, their tutor, or go to the Year Office.
There will be information in tutor rooms and circulated around year offices and in assemblies.
All students need to be on site for 8.30am each day.
The website is regularly updated with key information.
Please ensure all clothing and equipment is clearly named. Lost property goes to the front office where students can go to claim items.
You can make electronic payments through our cashless system, ParentPay, for Kingsdown School activities. We will send you a letter on transition day detailing the unique user ID and password to access your secure online ParentPay account.
Not everyone can pay online, and parents who want to pay cash can easily do so using the PayPoint system through one of the stores that operate in the Kingsdown community:
For PayPoint you will need to take your bar coded letter for any payment due. If you have any queries or difficulties making payments using these methods, please do not hesitate to contact hbrown@kingsdownschool.co.uk or visit the website www.parentpay.com.
Your child can purchase a tie direct from our uniform supplier for £5 +P&P.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Cal test - straight embed from google
Cal test - gcal api jquery
The information & files below gives full details of the School’s new uniform and expectations.
If you have any questions regarding your child’s uniform, please contact your child’s Progress Leader.
The uniform the supplier is ‘Uniform-Direct’. We have a dedicated shop page on their website showing just the relevant clothing at Uniform Direct.
The uniform is to be worn by all students.
Detailed description of the new uniform is within our Dress Code. Price guides are in the communication updates further down below.
At Kingsdown School, we have the highest standards, and the presentation of our uniform is no exception. Our uniform must be worn with pride at all times. The expectations are clearly outlined in this linked document below, and there are no exceptions.
Student Dress Code examples
PE Uniform Policy September 2024
Uniform Policy September 2024
Uniform Policy FAQs
Please see the document linked immediately below for a list of the required equipment students will need such as stationery.
Essential Equipment List
In addition to the equipment list in the document, in the interim all students will also require a bottle of hand sanitizer gel, a reading book, a bottle of water/still drink, earphones with a 3.5m standard connector jack, an A4 ringbinder with lined paper, poly pockets and dividers, packed lunch and snacks.
The last day of term 6 is Wednesday 23rd July 2025
Upcoming key dates:
27th March - Y11 Steps to Success
4th April - Non Uniform Day in aid of Cancer Research
1st May - Y10 Parents’ Evening
4th May - 9th May - Pencelli Trip
15th May - Y8 Parents’ Evening
16th - 18th May - DofE Silver Practice Expedition
6th - 8th June - DofE Silver Award Qualifying Expedition
30th June - 3th July - Aspirations Week
4th July - TD Day
5th - 6th July - DofE Bronze Award Practice Expedition
7th July - Normandy Trip
8th July - Cirencester College Trip
11th July - Y11 Prom
18th July - Sports Day
19th - 20th July - DofE Bronze Award Qualifying Expedition
22nd July - Rewards Trip
24th July TD Day
School Calendar 2024/25
School Calendar 2025/26 - TD Day to be confirmed
Term Begins |
Term Ends |
Term 1 |
Wednesday 4th September 2024 | Wednesday 23rd October 2024 |
Term 2 |
Monday 4th November 2024 | Friday 20th December 2024 |
Term 3 |
Monday 6th January 2025 | Friday 14th February 2025 |
Term 4 |
Monday 24th February 2025 | Friday 4th April 2025 |
Term 5 |
Tuesday 22nd April 2025 | Friday 23rd May 2025 |
Term 6 |
Monday 2nd June 2025 | Wednesday 23rd July 2025 |
Monday 2nd September
Tuesday 3rd September
Monday 13th January
Friday 7th March
Friday 4th July
Thursday 24th July
At Kingsdown we will endeavour to encourage and support safe and active travel choices for students and staff to reduce our carbon footprint.
Bike Permit Application Form
Cycling to Kingsdown School
We hope the following links will help in deciding to use foot, cycle, public transport or car.
Throughout this page you will find links to external websites that are not maintained by Kingsdown School. We have provided them for your information, but please be aware content may change at anytime. We cannot take responsibility for pages maintained by external providers.
Teacher Development - School will be closed for students on these days.
New Academic Year 2024-25
Monday 2nd September
Tuesday 3rd September
Monday 13th January
Friday 7th March
Friday 4th July
Thursday 24th July
Term dates are available on our ‘Our School’ > ‘Term Dates & School Day’ page
In the event of adverse weather causing the school to close, please monitor our website for regular updates.
The School should only be closed because either:
Please note that if limited staff are able to arrive at school safely, we may partially close the school.
The Site Manager will contact the Head to advise her of access to the School. By 7.45am a message will then be displayed on the Homepage of the website to alert parents of the status of closure. This will also be shared by group call text so please ensure that all of your details are up to date.
Students are requested to access work via their school email and Google Classroom, both can found by following the “Student Portal” link at the top right of the home page. If for any reason students cannot access their google account, they can complete Maths and science work using Sparx Maths and Tassomai online learning platforms.
At Kingsdown students are given the opportunity to experience a wide range of trips, visits and activities which enhance the formal curriculum and their learning experience. Wider ranging benefits include the development of social and team building skills as well as broadening students cultural experiences.
Parents, Students, Staff and others in the Kingsdown Community really appreciate being kept up to date with what’s going on at Kingsdown.
We’ve created some blogs to keep everyone informed, however - our friendly social media channels are always up-to-date with events and key information.
Facebook Page
Trips and Visits Blog
Kingsdown’s Duke of Edinburgh Blog (new)
PE Department Blog
Careers Blog
SEN & Disability Provision
At Kingsdown School we believe that the most effective intervention for our SEND students is ‘quality first teaching’ This means that the students’ engagement, progress and attainment hinges on their day-to-day experiences in classrooms, rather than small groups or one to one interventions.
Our emphasis on high-quality task design, explanations, modelling, practice and oracy through our TEMPO strategy have a significantly disproportionate impact on our SEND students. However, our focus on those five teaching and learning strands will have an even greater impact when teachers make adjustments that are sensitive to the specific needs of the children in their class.
We use our review cycle to identify how your child is progressing and if your child requires a higher level of support this would be through our Targeted Provision.
Targeted Provision
Targeted support is delivered through small groups or 1:1 intervention which may focus on the four areas of need. (Cognition & Learning, Communication & Interaction, Social, Emotional & Mental Health or Physical & Sensory.
These may include;
Fresh Start, Lexia, Numicon Big Ideas, Zones of Regulation, Talk About Series, Drawing & Talking, or ELSA. We may also ask professionals to work with your child within an intervention or a 1:1 basis.
Specialist Provision
Children with an EHCP at Kingsdown school receive a higher level of support which can include 1:1 support in classrooms, 1:1 interventions and external agency support, alongside any targeted or universal support.
Specialist Resource Provision
Kingsdown has an Autistic Spectrum Condition Centre, which was opened in 2003. It is designed for students who are academically capable of accessing the mainstream curriculum but need more support than can be offered in a totally mainstream environment. Admission to the centre is through an EHCP and has to be agreed by a panel of professionals at Swindon Borough Council. All students admitted to the centre have an EHCP with Autism named as their primary need. Students follow the mainstream curriculum and attend classes with Educational Support Champions. However, all students are withdrawn from certain lessons so they can complete home learning and also work on developing their social communication and interaction, personal development and life skills in addition to receiving a wealth of other targeted interventions.
Anxious and vulnerable students across the school have daily access to ‘The Haven Club’, which enables them to have a safe space for unstructured, busy times of the day. We provide resources to support the learning of those who will benefit from them and constantly monitor, support and intervene when any individual is falling behind with their attainment.
Kingsdown SEND Information Report Secondary
In the mid 1930’s Wiltshire County Council bought seven acres of land for just £750 from the brewers J Arkell & Sons, and local builders Leighfield & Sons were appointed to build the school. On Wednesday 27th of January, 1937, the school was officially opened by the Marquis of Bath.
Since then, Kingsdown School has grown from a five classroom building to a school with over 60 rooms.
During the new millennium the school used funding to create an entirely new learning environment for students, as well as to cater for those with special learning needs. The Virtual Learning Centre comprises of four computer suites and is found on the first floor; on the ground floor is a suite that caters for students with Autistic Spectrum Condition.
In 2011 Kingsdown School took ownership of the old Premier Club (formerly the Raychem Sports Centre). After an extensive refurbishment, students are benefiting from the new state of the art facilities in the Kingsdown Sports Centre. In 2013, construction of a state of the art, all-weather 3G pitch was completed on the field behind the school. This is used during school time for PE lessons and clubs, as well as being let out to sport clubs within the community.
There has also been another transformation, in an unused courtyard area that has been transformed into a covered serving and eating area, and a new canopy has been put in place to shelter students between the main hall and the library.
In the future, where it is not possible to expand we will continue to improve our facilities by replacing the old for the new. In this way, we will be able to continue to offer the best possible education we can for the students of Stratton St Margaret.
Below are details of recipes that are taught in school, with the ingredients that need to be brought in for those lessons:
In September 2017 Kingsdown School became a partner of the River Learning Trust (RLT). In doing so we joined a Multi Academy Trust (MAT) which now comprises of 6 Secondary Schools, 16 Primary Schools, and a school-centred Initial Teacher Training provider.
Since October 2016, the RLT has been working with the teams, leaders and Governors of Kingsdown and has made a significant impact on the general confidence within and across the school, its culture and strategic direction.
The RLT provides Kingsdown with:
Via the link below you will be able to access statutory information that Academy Trusts must publish, such as the annual report, annual audited accounts, memorandum of association, articles of association, funding agreement.
Information about the Board of Trustees can be found here:
The River Learning Trust is an exempt charity and a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales with a registered company number 7966500. The River Learning Trust’s registered and working central office is C/O Gosford Hill School, Oxford Road, Kidlington, Oxfordshire, OX5 2NT.
Telephone: 01865 558727
Email: office@riverlearningtrust.org
Below are GCSE revision links and documents collated by the teachers to help supplement the revision materials given to students in school.
Excellent resource for revision and also quizzing
PiXL English App
Free app to download with quizzes on learning quotations.
Requires credentials to log in
Youtube - Mr Bruff
Some great videos on all aspects of the AQA course
(YouTube not available on school computers)
YouTube - Mr Salles
Some great videos on all aspects of the AQA course
(YouTube not available on school computers)
Exam Solutions
Lots of videos covering almost all math topics
Khan Academy
American site with lots of good videos
GCSE Science Knowledge Checklists
To easily access your main apps such as Email, Satchel One (Show My Homework), etc, please visit Student Portal and login with your google account.
That same link is also at the top of this website titled ‘Student Portal’.
When you have been directed to a google resource such as your new email account or Google Classroom, you will now need to log in using this specific email address format after Friday 26th June 2020:
(for example 19BloggsJ@kingsdownschool.co.uk)
Your Google password is not automatically linked to your school computer account (to log onto the school desktop computers). Please visit ICT Support to get your password reset. If you choose to have your phone/computer remember your password for convenience, please ensure you don’t forget it.
This most likely means you are already logged into google as another account (maybe your own personal account). On the same computer/device, visit the following link on your web browser to force it to allow you to sign in as your school account: https://accounts.google.com/AccountChooser
You have most likely gone onto a screen to create a new google account, which won’t work. Try going back to the link your teacher has given you, and when prompted, sign in using your school google account, ensuring NOT to click on anything like ‘Create Account’.
You have likely entered your google username incorrectly. Please refer to the grey box higher up on this page. If you are a new student (eg Started with Kingsdown after last September), email itsupport@kingsdownschool.co.uk with details of the error message, and we will check your account is setup correctly.
If you have more than one internet browser on your computer (such as Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Apple Safari) , you can use the lesser used browser for yourself or your school work. The other browser will generally be unaffected and will allow another google user to be logged in at the same time. In many cases you can also open a new ‘private’ browser window which should allow you to sign in to a different Google account without affecting other people who also use your computer (In Google Chrome, this option is called Incognito, in Microsoft Edge it is called ‘InPrivate’, and in Safari it is called ‘Private’).
Good punctuality at school is essential for students to achieve their full educational potential. It is also vital for students to form good habits for later life. Punctuality records form part of references passed onto employers or higher educational institutes.
All students are expected to arrive punctually for school in the morning and to arrive punctually for each lesson. Students will enter the school site via the main entrance at the front of school. We expect all students to be on site by 8.15am in the morning and go straight to tutor time where they will be registered. Students are considered to be late if they arrive after 8.15am. The front gates will be closed and students will need to sign in.
As a safety precaution, students are not permitted to ride their bikes onto the school site, they will need to disembark and walk their bikes onto the school site. Students are reminded to ensure their safety by checking that roads are clear before they cross a main road.
A register is taken at the start of the day and during each lesson. Students arriving late are recorded as this on the register, along with how many minutes late they are.
8.15am – 2.45pm Monday – Friday | Week 1
8.15am – 2.45pm Monday – Friday | Week 2
We place a strong emphasis on good punctuality; we support this by:-
We would ask parents to support us in maintaining good punctuality by:-
Why has my child been marked as absent for the whole morning when they arrived at 9.30am?
As stated above, DfE guidelines state that the register must be closed after a reasonable time in the morning. If arriving after 9.15am, a child will be marked as an unauthorised absence for the morning session.
Could I receive a fine if my child is persistently late?
If your child receives 10 or more unauthorised absences, you could be issued with a fixed penalty notice. This is £50 per parent if paid within 28 days, rising to £100 thereafter.
My child was only a couple of minutes late. It seems harsh that he/she should get a late mark.
The school has to abide by the rules and expectations laid down for all schools. Lateness for school (or work) is a failure to arrive on time and will be marked as such. We would encourage students to set off in good time so that any small delay does not cause them to be late.
Our whole family overslept and it is not my child’s fault that he/she is late. Will they receive a late mark?
This can not be taken as an acceptable reason for lateness so a late mark or unauthorised absence would be recorded, depending on the time of arrival.
My child has to catch the bus to school which is sometimes late. Will they receive a late mark?
Any lateness is recorded as thus on the register. We would advise that the child leaves earlier so that even if the bus is late, they will still arrive on time. If the bus is sometimes late, then it is not a reliable way to ensure arrival in good time.
Would you make any allowances for lateness if, for example, there were major traffic problems in the area perhaps because of an accident, so my car/the bus was unavoidably stuck in traffic?
The school cannot make allowances for the individual problem (however genuine it may be). However, it does make allowances when there are known reported major problems that affect a large number of people; very heavy snowfall would be one such example.
What if I phone up/email to say my child is going to be late? Would he/she still get a late mark?
Yes, they would still be marked late, but it is very helpful to know that you are aware and for us to know the expected time of arrival and reason for lateness.
If I know my child is going to be late, do I need to ring/send in a note?
It is very helpful if you do this. If your child is very late, they will be marked as unauthorised absence and your note may give an alternative acceptable reason to allow us to authorise the absence.
What do I do if I don’t agree with your policy on punctuality?
Much of our attendance policy is designed to satisfy DfE regulation but as always, if you feel an approach is unfair or unreasonable, then you can write to the Headteacher and/or Governing Body asking for a review. However, whilst any such policy is in place, the school will operate as stated.
We are pleased to be able to accept electronic payments made through ParentPay or PayPoint for Kingsdown School activities. This means that you can pay for trips and school dinners electronically.
To access your secure online ParentPay account you need to visit www.parentpay.com using the unique user ID and Password that you have been sent. Once you have logged into the system for the first time you can change your login details to something that is easier for you to remember.
PayPoint is one of the UK’s leading retail networks for free and convenient payment of regular bills. Stores that operate PayPoint in the Kingsdown community include:
You will receive a barcoded letter for any payment due, which can be taken to any outlet which has PayPoint facilities. These payments are also recorded by ParentPay and may be seen in your account. If you have any queries or difficulties making payments using these methods, please do not hesitate to contact:
Mrs H Brown
Business Manager
In addition, Kingsdown operates a Hardship Fund to help with financial support. Please see our ‘Disadvantaged Students’ page for details and application form.
Throughout this page you will find links to external websites that are not maintained by Kingsdown School. We have provided them for your information, but please be aware content may change at anytime. We cannot take responsibility for pages maintained by external providers.
There are three main infant schools and eight primary schools in the area that feed into Kingsdown School:
Staff at Kingsdown work closely with our feeder schools to help students make the transition to Kingsdown School as smooth and enjoyable as possible.
Throughout this page you will find links to external websites that are not maintained by Kingsdown School. We have provided them for your information, but please be aware content may change at anytime. We cannot take responsibility for pages maintained by external providers.
As a school on the journey to be Rights respecting, British Values are part of our ethos. We actively promote values such as “tolerance and mutual respect” through our virtue of kindness and our BEAT of Respect. We promote equality for all through the values of democracy, rule of law, mutual respect and tolerance for all races, cultures, faiths and beliefs. This is lived out in our understanding of article 2 ‘The right to non-discrimination’. This is featured throughout our tutor programme, School Assemblies and within all classrooms at all times.
The following British Values are covered in the curriculum and signposted in the curriculum where appropriate, but at all times we promote these values in all of our interactions with one another.
These values are also covered in depth through Personal Development curriculum (PD), assemblies and curriculum provision and we aim to:
further tolerance and harmony between different cultural traditions by enabling students to acquire an appreciation of and respect for their own and other cultures;
encourage respect for all;
Students learn about the development of the political system of democratic government in the UK, including the roles of citizens, Parliament and the monarch. They are taught about voting and elections, the role of political parties and the freedoms and liberties enjoyed by the citizens of the U K such as free speech, free movement and free assembly and worship. This is supported with students’ understanding of their rights and how they need to respect the rights of others.
Through our Religious Education and Citizenship programmes, students are taught how citizens work together to improve communities. This is put into practice when they become active citizens by fundraising for charities.
Assemblies aim to teach our students to have belief in freedom, and a tolerance of others. In the Religious Education programme, students study other faiths and learn empathy, tolerance and understanding of people from different faith backgrounds.
Interwoven throughout the whole taught Curriculum and the school’s pastoral programme, students are expected to accept personal and social responsibility, respecting and upholding the school rules and the rule of law.
In our school community we encourage through our Responsibility BEAT our students to show a responsibility to each other and adults in the way they behave in school and on their way to and from school.
Students have leadership opportunities through our senior student programme which allows them to put these values into action through becoming:
The list below describes the understanding and knowledge expected of our students as a result of promoting fundamental British values:
We are a diverse school and we encourage respect for religious, cultural and moral values. The school promotes equal opportunities for all and systems are in place that counter racism, sexism and all other forms of discrimination whenever they occur.
We have a range of policies in place covering a wide range of school life:
Accessibility Plan
Admissions Policy ‘In Year 2025-2026
Admissions Year 6 to 7 2025-26
Admissions Policy 2026-27 In Year
Admissions Policy Year 6 to 7 2026-27
Anti Bullying Policy
Assessment for Learning
Attendance Policy
Behaviour Policy 2024
Careers Education
Charging and Remissions Policy Part A
Charging and Remissions Policy Part B
Children Looked After
Collective Worship Policy
Complaints Policy April 2025
Controlled Assessment NEA Policy
Curriculum Policy
Data Protection - GDPR
Disadvantaged Policy
Drugs Policy
Equality Information and Objectives
Equality Diversity Inclusion Policy
Exam Policy
Freedom of Information Policy
Handling Unreasonably Persistent Harrassing or Abusive Complaints
Home Learning
HPA Policy
Health and Safety Policy and Statement of Intent
Appeals Against Internally Assessed Marks
Loss Bereavement Policy
Marking and Feedback
On Line Safety
Parent Code of Conduct
PE Uniform Policy September
Record Management Policy and Guidance
Safeguarding Policy
School Young Carers
Special Educational Needs
Self harm Policy 2024
RSE Policy
SMSC Policy
Suspension and permanent exclusion Policy
Teaching and Learning Policy
Uniform Policy September 2024
Uniform Policy FAQs
Whistleblowing Policy
Word Processor in Exams Policy
Whole School Reading, Writing and Oracy Policy
Privacy Notice - Governors Volunteers
Privacy Notice - Job Applicants
Privacy Notice - Parents
Privacy Notice - Students
Promoting British Values / Prevent Duty
We can provide any specific policies in a more accessible format on request.
The pastoral system at Kingsdown School is led by Assistant Headteacher Mrs Criddle and Lead Practitioner for pastoral, Ms Leigh- Robinson. Progress Leaders have devolved responsibility for student progress and behaviour for children within their year groups.
Progress Leaders for each year group lead teams of tutors:
Mrs Gilbert - Year 7 Progress Leader
Mrs Robertson - Year 8 Progress Leader
Mrs Matthews - Year 9 Progress Leader
Mrs Case - Year 10 Progress Leader
Mrs Crawford - Year 11 Progress Leader
The school is supported by a number of highly effective staff and robust policies and procedures. In addition, the services of the Local Authority are contracted to provide support in the areas of Education Welfare and Targeted Mental Health.
The school’s assessment and reporting procedures provide all staff with detailed information relating to current levels of attainment, predicted grades, attitude to learning and progress. The pastoral team keep abreast of students performance across the subjects and provide tutoring, mentoring and support where necessary.
The pastoral system at Kingsdown has been commended by Ofsted inspectors noting some very strong features.
At Kingsdown “We champion each and every student” find out how in our prospectus.
The following link will open a copy of the report from our most recent Ofsted inspection:
Ofsted Report January 2020 - Rated Good
Read our reaction to the January 2020 ‘Good’ Ofsted rating for Kingsdown School.
Our SEN Reports for parents can be found on our SEN and Disability Provision page.
Year 5 tours for Kingsdown School will be taking place on [To be confirmed] - 2025. To book a place on one of the dates please email head@kingsdownschool.co.uk.
Please also visit our ‘Choose Us’ page for our prospectus.
We look forward to welcoming you to our Open Evening on [To be confirmed] 2025 | 5:00 - 7:00pm. This is a wonderful opportunity especially for families with children in years 4, 5 and 6 to meet and talk with students and staff, see the school, take part in activities and hear from our Headteacher, Emma Leigh-Bennett.
No booking is necessary so please come along and join us. We look forward to meeting you and your child very soon.
We warmly welcome you to join one of our school tours. Please email my PA - Mrs Ellis to book your tour at head@kingsdownschool.co.uk.
We are now also contributing to the River Learning Trust newsletters which are available at RLT Website
Your report can be anonymous
Kingsdown School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment.
Safeguarding is about ensuring that everyone is safe from harm, safe from bullying, safe from abuse of any kind, safe from discrimination or harassment and ensuring that we all feel safe in our school environment.
If you are ever concerned about the safety or well‐being of someone at our school please talk to one of the school’s Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSLs).
Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mrs K Agambar, Child Protection Coordinator
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mr L Hathaway
Mrs M Coles
Mr S Suleman - Link Governor for Safeguarding
We have a number of policies and procedures in place that contribute to our safeguarding commitment, including our Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy which can be viewed in the Policies section of our website.
There are 5 main elements to our policy and procedures:
• Ensuring we practice safe recruitment in checking the suitability of staff and volunteers to work with children.
• Raising awareness of child protection issues & working on the prevention of abuse, through training, teaching and pastoral support offered to students.
• Following procedures for identifying and reporting cases, or suspected cases of abuse.
• Supporting students who are at risk or may have been abused.
• Establishing a safe environment in which children can learn and develop.
Sometimes we may need to share information and work in partnership with other agencies when there are concerns about a child’s welfare. We will ensure that our concerns about our pupils are discussed with parents/carers first, unless we have reason to believe that such a move would be contrary to the child’s welfare.
We actively support the Government’s Prevent Agenda to counter radicalism and extremism.
We have a dedicated team who have all received in depth safeguarding training to ensure that we:
- Identify children who may need early help, are at risk or have been harmed
- Secure the help that children need and refer them to the expertise to help them
- Manage safe recruitment and allegations about adults who may be of risk to children
Please click on the thumbnail below for our student friendly antibullying policy:
This page on the NSPCC website provides information about:
Swindon is well known for its history with the railways; Network Rail have been working hard to reduce the accidents that occur on its tracks particularly during the summer months when children are on school holiday. Click this link to find more information.
The Early Help Conversation (EHC) and Plan is Swindon’s process for supporting children, young people and families with additional needs. The aim of the EHC is to identify children and young people’s needs early and provide the right help at the right time whilst keeping the family at the heart of all the planning of support.
Contact Swindon is the new ‘front door’ for the council’s children’s social care services, and will be available for families, residents and professionals across the borough.
From this date, anyone who has a concern about a child, or wants to request help from the service, should:Telephone 01793 464646E-mail: contactswindon@swindon.gov.uk
Kooth is an online service by XenZone, who have been commissioned in this area by the Swindon Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG). In Swindon they provide online counselling and emotional well being help for children and young people. The support is free, confidential, and anonymous. It can be accessed using an internet enabled smart phone, tablet, or computer.
BeU Swindon - https://beuswindon.co.uk/ BeU Swindon takes referrals for 0-18 year age group with a defined mental health need such as anxiety, self harm, or low mood.
Young Minds - YoungMinds is the national charity committed to promoting and improving the mental health of all children and young people. It provides a Parent’ Information Service for any adult with concerns about mental health of a child or young person (from birth up to the age of 25). https://www.youngminds.org.uk/
The Prevent Duty is about ensuring that appropriate support is available for individuals who may demonstrate vulnerabilities to radicalisation. Protecting pupils and students from radicalisation is part of the wider duties of teachers. It is an extension of Safeguarding processes, in the same way schools safeguard children from exploitation, drugs and other forms of abuse.
Check for signs they might have gone e.g. social media, friends etc…
Think- has there been a change in behaviour recently? Have they been wearing different clothes, using substances or have changed their friends?
Call - the police on 101, you do not need to wait 24 hours. Keep a log of the police officer you have been in contact with.
All children who run away from home must get a return home interview from an independent person who listens to them and helps them to resolve issues so that they can stay safe.
Samaritans: t:08457 909 090 or text: 07725 909 090
The Kingsdown vision is of
The principles of both our School and the RLT are a commitment to:
Our Wheel of Excellence helps visualise the key elements that underpin our vision.
Home learning is an integral part of the curriculum at Kingsdown School. Research shows that students who commit to Home Learning achieve, on average, one grade higher than their target grade at GCSE. Home Learning is used for knowledge retrieval and application to build students’ confidence and success in lessons as well as assessments. When students join us in Year 7 we train them to know how to complete home learning successfully.
We need our students to complete their home learning each and every time it is set. These are habits which will last a lifetime as well as lead to better grades and outcomes. We therefore need you to encourage, even to require your child to do their home learning every day, check their Google Classroom ‘to do’ list and help them embed these good habits that they can be rewarded for.
Home learning is set on Google Classroom, and will often be completed online. Students without an internet connection at home are able to use supervised areas after school, before school, and at lunch time to complete their home learning, including the Learning Lounge in the library after school.
Students are expected to read regularly as a means of broadening and extending their knowledge and understanding of subjects and to develop their vocabulary.
Your support in monitoring your child’s completion of Home Learning is greatly appreciated.
Our ‘School Homework Policy’ is on our Policies page.
Welcome to all parents, carers and our school community.
My name is Vanessa Edwards and I am privileged to be Chair of Governors following a period of five years as a Parent Governor. As a Governing Body we all want the very best for Kingsdown and we strive to ensure that objectives of both staff and students are met with continuous improvement in all areas. We are supported in this via the River Learning Trust.
The Governors are from a range of backgrounds, Finance, Education, IT, NHS to name a few, who work together with the School to ensure the best for our students and staff. As a Governing Body we are often in school for meetings with Emma, the Senior Leadership Team, Staff and Students. We really value Student Voice and listening to what our students say.
If you are interested in being a Governor please do get in touch with our Clerk on Mrs K Compton - kcompton@kingsdownschool.co.uk
Vanessa Edwards
Full details: including full name, term of office or more details are available in the following PDFs:
Governors Register of Business Interest 2024-25
Governance Structures 2024-25
RLT Scheme of Delegation 2023
Complaints Policy April 2025
Governing Body Attendance Record:
While there are several types of governors, the role of each governor is to work as part of a team supporting a school and the Headteacher to decide school policy, help recruit staff and manage budgets.
The governors meet as a full body 6 times per year where they are updated on the performance and status of aspects of the school.
Schools need people who have energy, enthusiasm and fresh ideas to support them as governors. You don’t need to have had any previous experience or knowledge. Common sense, a genuine interest in education and commitment are the most important qualities required.
Becoming a governor could be a way of contributing to your local school and learning new skills. You don’t have to have a child at a school to become a governor.
Parents, staff and members of the community may wish to contact governors to express views, and governors very much welcome any such messages, as we are keen to keep in touch with and take account of these views. It is important to say though, that any day to day queries relating to named students should always be directed to school staff first, so that they can discuss and deal with matters in the normal way. Similarly, staff should use their usual line management and communication links in the first instance. Additionally, if you have a complaint, please follow the official procedure outlined in the following document:
If you would like to contact governors on a particular issue they may be contacted through the Clerk to the Governors: Mrs K Compton - kcompton@kingsdownschool.co.uk
Note not all of these work on Chromebooks, and home use may still have restrictions in the individual terms and conditions for each piece of software.
For details on our spending in relation to the Government catchup funding for Covid, please see the document linked below:
For details on our spending on the provision of Summer School during August 2021, please see the document linked below:
For the most current financial reports and accounts, please refer to the following Financial Information page for our Multi-Academy Trust, The River Learning Trust:
In addition to the link above, the documents below contain Kingsdown School’s previous financial statements for our financial years prior to 1st September 2017, when we joined the River Learning Trust. They contain reports written by the school, our independent auditors, and details of the annual finances.
Previous statements prior to joining the River Learning Trust:
Value For Money Statement Dec 2014
Here at Kingsdown we value enrichment and the learning it can offer outside of the classroom. We have a range of activities covering an array of skills and values, all of which add to the cultural capital of young people, whilst underpinning our BEATs.
There are a number of enrichment clubs which run every lunchtime as well as afterschool, and offer our students a range of opportunities.
Clubs running in Terms 3 and 4 are:
Monday Lunchtime | Tuesday Lunchime | Wednesday Lunchtime | Thursday Lunchtime | Friday Lunchtime |
Lego club | Lego Club | Lego club | Lego club | Lego club |
Maths club | Maths club | Maths club | Maths club | Maths club |
Board games | Board games | Board games | Board games | Board games |
Uno | Uno | KS3 Basketball | KS3 Basketball | KS4 drama |
KS3 Basketball | Chess Club | Choir | ||
Chess Club | Geopolitics | Dodgeball | ||
KS3 Drama | ||||
Keyboard | ||||
Netball |
Tuesday Afterschool | Wednesday Afterschool | Thursday Afterschool |
Girls Football | Girls Basketball | KS4 Fitness |
Badminton | Boys Football | KS4 Sport Studies / Sport Science |
Dodgeball | Art club | |
KS4 Fitness | Debate club | |
KS3 Dungeons and Dragons | Manga/Anime/Cartoon club | |
KS4 Dungeons and Dragons | ||
Creative Writing | ||
Yr 11 Art Club |
Enrichment Opportunities
Student experience in each year
Keep up to date with the latest expeditions and Duke of Edinburgh Award related events with Kingsdown’s DofE blog - http://kingsdowndofe.home.blog
Kingsdown School is a Licenced Organisation for the Duke of Edinburgh Award, and currently offers Bronze Award from year 9, and Silver award from year 10, with Gold Award waiting to be rolled out. We ask the students commit to:
- 1 full day training based in school
- 2 days walks to assess map reading competency
- 1 training weekend
- 1 expedition weekend
Plus the required time for their sections which are:
It will usually take you at least 6 months to complete your Bronze programme.
You also have to spend an extra three months on one of the Volunteering, Physical or Skills sections. It’s your choice which one and, though you can change your mind later, you should decide which section you want to do for longer at the beginning. Knowing how long you’re going to do it for will help you to choose your activity and set your goals for each section.
It will take you at least 6 months for Silver if you’ve already achieved your Bronze, or 12 months if you’ve jumped straight into Silver.
If you didn’t do Bronze, you must undertake a further 6 months in either the Volunteering or the longer of the Physical or Skills sections.
For Gold, you’ll need to do your programme for at least 12 months if you’ve achieved your Silver Award, or 18 months if you’ve started at Gold level without doing your Silver – even if you’ve done Bronze. The big difference at Gold is you’ll also do a Residential section – staying away from home for five days and four nights doing a shared activity with people you don’t know.
If you didn’t do Silver, you must undertake a further 6 months in either the Volunteering or the longer of the Physical or Skills sections.
Further information can be found at www.dofe.org
Find online welcome packs at www.dofe.org/welcome-packs-dth
GCSE results day on Thursday 22nd August was such a lovely event and we were so pleased to welcome many parents, grandparents and siblings along to share in the success of our 2024 cohort of students.
We are happy to report an increase in the % of students achieving 5 GCSEs at grade 4+ and an increase in the % of students achieving 5 GCSEs at grade 5+. There was also success for those students who opted for the English Baccalaureate qualification, which includes a humanities subject as well as a language, where we saw a pass rate that was in line with all schools across the country.
Further data for Kingsdown School can be found HERE
All candidates receive a statement of entry from school indicating the subjects they are being entered for and the levels of entry, where applicable. Please check that these are correct. Some subjects only have one tier of entry; some have Foundation & Higher tiers. Students must check everything on their statements of entry very carefully. Particularly check that all personal details (date of birth, spelling of names which must be their LEGAL forename and surname) are accurate as these will appear on certificates and it may be difficult to change them once certificates are awarded.
The school uses the following exam boards: AQA, Edexcel Pearson, OCR, WJEC and NCFE.
External exam timetables are displayed on the school’s website and are also displayed on the Exam notice board in the main school building corridor. Prior to each exam series, students will receive an individual timetable with their own specific examinations detailing dates, times and duration of exams, as well as their examination rooms. Check this carefully. If students think something is wrong they need to see the Exams Officer immediately.
If a last minute change of tier for an exam entry is made at the request of the candidate or their parents then the fee for the amendment will be invoiced to parents.
Subject staff will inform students of dates of practical examinations/language speaking tests when dates are confirmed.
For any student who has a clash where two subjects are timetabled at the same time, the school will make special timetable arrangements. Students must check their individual timetable and see the Exams Officer if they are unsure of what to do. If they think there is a clash on their timetable that has not been resolved, they also need to see the Exams Officer immediately.
Morning (AM) exams will normally start at 0900 and Afternoon (PM) exams will start at 13:30. There are times where there are clashes with individuals are due to take more than one exam at the same time. In such instances an alternative arrangement will be put in place and you will be notified of this in advance.
Students must make sure that they know exactly when their exams are, especially whether they are morning or afternoon. Students should ensure that they allow enough time to get to school so if they are delayed for any reason e.g. traffic, they will still arrive in good time.
Please note that for exams in the afternoon, candidates may finish after 1500 and so arrangement will need to be made to collect students should this be required.
Students need to make sure that they bring in all relevant items for each exam, e.g. compasses for a Maths exam. Students should also make sure that they bring in black pens, pencils, eraser, ruler and a sharpener in a CLEAR (not coloured or tinted) pencil case or plastic bag. Do not use correcting pens, fluid or tape, erasable pens, highlighters or gel pens in your answer..
Where calculators are allowed for the exam they must be free of lids, cases and covers. Students are responsible for clearing the data in their calculators prior to taking any exams. Students should check the regulations in the ‘Notices to Candidates’ which are on the JCQ website and are also linked below.
Notices to candidates which are issued jointly by all the examining boards are available to view on the JCQ website; they are also linked below. All
candidates must read them carefully and note that to break any of the examination rules or regulations could lead to disqualification from all subjects. The school must report any breach of regulations to the examinations board.
Candidates are responsible for checking their own timetable and arriving at school on the correct day and time, properly dressed in school uniform and with the correct equipment. Candidates must arrive at the specified venue 15 minutes prior to the start time of their examination. They should wait quietly outside the exam venue until instructed to enter. Candidates who arrive late for an examination may still be admitted but they may not receive any additional time. If special consideration applies then you must speak to the Exams Officer.
Full school uniform must be worn by all students attending school for examinations.
The majority of the GCSE exams will take place in the Kingsdown Sports Centre adjacent to Kingsdown Gate as per the mock exams process. The exceptions will be for those students taking their exams in the ASC Centre (they will continue to do their exams on the Main school site), the Art GCSE practical exam will take place in the Art Block classrooms, Modern Languages Speaking exams will take place in C block (the writing part will take place at the Sports Centre), DT Food Technology practical assessments will take place in D block.
Candidates must wait quietly outside for a member of staff to invite them into the venue. Once inside the room, exam board rules state that candidates must be silent. If there is any communication between any candidates it will be assumed that cheating is taking place and this will be treated accordingly. Candidates must not talk until they have left the examination room.
All items of equipment, pens, pencils, mathematical instruments, etc. should be visible to the invigilators at all times. Either a transparent pencil case or a clear plastic bag (without any writing) must be used. Pens should be BLACK ink or ballpoint. No correction pens, erasable pens or correcting tape/fluid are allowed.
For the Mathematics and Science exams, candidates should make sure their calculators conform to the examination regulations. If in doubt, they should check with their teacher. Remove any covers or instructions and make sure batteries are new. Candidates must also ensure that they have cleared anything stored in the calculator before using it for examinations. Please make sure that any alarms are turned off.
Do not attempt to communicate with or distract other candidates. Examination regulations are very strict regarding items that may be taken into the examination room. If candidates break these rules they may be disqualified from the examination.
Candidates are not permitted any web enabled sources of information such as tablets, mobile phones, MP3 players or smart watches in the examination room. Ideally these devises will all be left at home, however if this is not possible they should be switched off and be in bags.
If a mobile phone (or any other type of electronic communication or storage device) is found in their possession during an examination (even if it is turned off) it will be taken from the candidate and a report made to the appropriate exam board. No exceptions can be made and the school cannot be held responsible for accidental damage.
Food is not permitted in the examination room although water is allowed provided it is in a small, clear (not coloured or tinted) plastic bottle with the label removed. Filter and infusion bottles are not allowed.
Under no circumstances are bags or coats allowed into the examination room. Before going to their examination room, candidates should leave them in their locker or in the designated area. Please note that we cannot accept responsibility for personal belongings and would recommend that valuables are not brought into school.
Candidates must listen carefully to instructions and notices read out by the invigilators – there may be amendments to the exam paper that they need to know about.
Candidates must check they have the correct question paper – check the subject, paper and tier of entry. Candidates must not start writing until told to do so by the invigilator. All instructions should be carefully read and answers numbered clearly.
Candidates will not be allowed to leave an examination early. If they have finished the paper they are advised to use the remaining time to check over their answers and ensure they have completed their details correctly.
Candidates must check that they have completed the front of their answer books (and any supplementary sheets) with their candidate number, legal forename and legal surname.
Question papers, answer documents and additional paper must NOT be taken from the examination room.
If the fire alarm sounds during an examination, the invigilators will tell candidates what to do. They should not panic. If the room has to be evacuated candidates will be asked to leave in silence in the order instructed. Everything must be left on the desk. During this period of evacuation, examination regulations still apply and candidates must not communicate with other candidates or any other person. They will be escorted to a designated assembly point. On return to the examination room candidates must not start writing until the invigilator tells them to. Candidates will be allowed the full working time for the examination and a report will be sent to the exam board detailing the incident.
If difficulties are experienced during the examination period (e.g. illness, injury, personal problems) please inform the school at the earliest possible point so we can help or advise.
Only in exceptional circumstances are candidates allowed special consideration for absence from any part of an examination. It is essential that medical or other appropriate evidence is obtained and given to the Exams Officer without delay in all cases where an application is to be made for special consideration.
Parents and candidates are advised that the school will require payment of entry fees (approximately £29 - £73 per subject) should a candidate fail to attend an
examination without good reason and without informing the school.
Please note that misreading the timetable will not be accepted as a satisfactory explanation of absence.
Parents are asked to refrain from arranging family holidays when examinations are taking place and if absence permission for this purpose is sought, authorisation will not be given, and if taken Parents may be liable to pay for the entry fees for the candidate (approximately £29 - £73 per subject).
Mock GCSE examinations are extremely important as they give students the external examination experience and ensure they are familiar with regulations and procedures to prepare them for the forthcoming GCSE examinations. The results also provide an indication of the GCSE grade that a candidate would have gained if it had been the real examination. Students will be able to see whether they are on target and establish the areas of study which need attention. It is worth noting that in some subjects the results are taken into account when determining the tiers of entry for the GCSE examinations students will be taking in the summer.
For these reasons, the internal examinations are run on the lines of the external GCSEs and the same rules and regulations regarding equipment, uniform, attendance, and absence apply.
Students are encouraged to make the most of this series of examinations in terms of preparation and performance.
8.1 Information for Candidates – Controlled Assessments
8.1 Information for Candidates – Coursework
8.3 Information for Candidates – Non Examination Assessments
8.4 Information for Candidates – On Screen Tests
8.5 Information for Candidates – Privacy Notice
8.6 Information for Candidates – Social Media
8.7 Information for Candidates – Written Examinations
Use & Provision of Calculators
As with any area of interest for young or vulnerable people, safety has to be considered paramount. E-safety is a complex area as technology provides as many problems as there are solutions. To ensure child protection, good practice is as important as ANY computer aided application.
At Kingsdown we offer the most advanced and up to date technological opportunities for all of our students. Every student has access to their own 1:1 chromebook device, fast wifi, exposure to classroom interactive panels, VR/ AR, industry standard CAD/CAM packages, 3D printing and more. With all of these opportunities also come the opportunities for misuse or exposure to risks online. For this reason we take online safety extremely seriously and do our utmost to protect and educate all students at kingsdown school.
Acceptable Use Policy - Every student is expected to personally read and sign a contract which they are then expected to also follow. This outlines our expectations of what is acceptable use of any device or service at KDS. This education then extends into our Computer Science curriculum which reinforces these critical e-safety messages and lessons about how to stay safe online.
Filtering and Monitoring - To keep all students safe, we have a very well throughout and regularly reviewed process which automatically blocks targeted harmful content. This allows us to ensure that only approved content is allowed to be accessed by KDS students. To ensure that students are being safe online and respectful digital citizens we are able to monitor students activity through our monitoring system “Impero”. This allows to record all activity and review it when needed.
E-safety at home - To ensure your child is safe both in and out of school, it’s important that you too have an understanding of e-safety. To help with this, below are some useful links to give you more information.
Throughout this page you will find links to external websites that are not maintained by Kingsdown School. We have provided them for your information, but please be aware content may change at anytime. We cannot take responsibility for pages maintained by external providers.
There are several different websites and online tools available to students, enabling them to access learning at home as well as in school and lessons.
The E-Learning websites we encourage students to use are:
The following online tools and resources can also be of benefit to students:
Documents and Reports
KDS Pupil Premium Strategy 2024_2025
KDS Pupil Premium Strategy 2023_2024
KDS Pupil Premium Strategy 2022_2023
KDS Pupil Premium Strategy 2021_2022
Disadvantaged Students’ Strategy 2019-20
Year 7 Pupil Premium Catch up Funding 2019-20
The Pupil Premium was introduced by the Coalition Government in January 2011 to improve educational outcomes for our most disadvantaged students. The government gives additional funds for each student receiving Free School Meals (FSM), registered Children Looked After (CLA) and any child who has been in receipt of Free School Meals in the last six years (known as Ever6 FSM). In addition to these groups, a lesser sum is given for children with parents in the Armed Forces.
At Kingsdown we are committed to ensuring disadvantaged students have the same high aspirations and opportunities to enable them to exceed their potential. The support and intervention strategy is led by one of the Assistant Headteachers. We will continue to use the funding for disadvantaged students to support students to raise standards of attainment and progress, improve attendance and attitude to learning. Kingsdown School bases its strategies for the use of funding for disadvantaged students on the findings of The Sutton Trust. The funding has been used in a number of different areas, including but not limited to:
In Term 1, for each student, a review takes place in order to assess their needs and plan a personalised provision to support their school experience.
If your son/daughter does not have Free School Meals, but may be eligible because of your family’s income level, please do contact us (in confidence) to register. Even if you do not wish him/her to have the meals, this would mean the school could still claim funding that may be used to help your child.
To register your son/daughter for Free School Meals, please contact the school office on 01793 822284.
For more details about the Pupil Premium please visit: http://www.education.gov.uk/schools/pupilsupport/premium
Kingsdown School recognises that there are families that might need support during their child’s education from time to time. A support fund has been established to help support these families. Please click below for further details about eligibility and application.
Kingsdown School is committed to continually improving the quality of teaching and learning, and in doing so truly championing each and every student in the classroom. Our whole-school teaching and learning framework is built around the concept of TEMPO teaching, which focuses on implementing five key pillars:
Task Design - tasks offer a high level of challenge whilst still being accessible to students through support and scaffolding.
Explanations - teachers ensure explanations are simple, clear and well planned, with new ideas and concepts introduced in a step by step approach.
Modelling - teachers share what success looks like to students before they attempt a task.
Practice - students have the opportunity to practise applying their skills, knowledge and understanding.
Oracy - students have the opportunity to discuss what they are learning with opportunities for questioning, debate and discussion.
Consistent, rigorous and robust checking for understanding underpins each and every aspect of TEMPO teaching to allow teachers to know if and when students are ready to move on from a particular concept.
We are constantly strengthening our links with the business community, forming sustainable partnerships that will serve our students, support your business needs; working together to develop essential employability and life skills for the young people’s next steps but also help you to identify potential future employees.
Would you be happy to offer/provide any of the following (virtually or in person, COVID-19 restrictions depending)?
We would really love to hear from you if who would be happy to support our Careers programme and indeed if you have any other ideas we can discuss. Please get in touch with Barbara Parry, our Careers Coordinator bparry@kingsdownschool.co.uk / (01793) 822284 Ext: 118.
If you happen to be a former Kingsdown student yourself, please do let us know.
Kingsdown School is pleased to announce that from September 2014, Harrisons Catering Services Ltd has been chosen to provide its catering service. Since its founding in 1994, Harrison Catering Services has always been about quality fresh food prepared on-site and served by people who love what they do. Over 100 clients across the UK enjoy a Harrison food service, with more than 100,000 meals being served each day by approximately 2,000 staff across more than 270 locations.
Harrison understands that what children eat affects their health and their ability to learn and perform in the classroom. At Kingsdown School, our catering team provides nutritious, balanced meals, and we work to educate the pupils on how to make healthier food choices. Our goal is to instil a love and understanding of fresh, healthy food at a young age that will positively influence them throughout life.
All Harrison staff receive training in how to prepare and serve healthier food through the company’s bespoke Eat Well Live Well ® training programme. Our catering team at Kingsdown works with the School Council to tailor menus to the tastes and preferences of the children. We introduce further interest and excitement to our menus through themed lunches and dinners ranging from special holidays like Halloween and Christmas to cuisines from around the world, tying these into the school curriculum whenever possible.
We have a no nut policy at Kingsdown and work with parents to make any other adaptations necessary to accommodate specific food allergies. A 3 week menu cycle can be found below.
If you would like to know more about Harrison, please visit our website at harrisoncatering.co.uk and if you have any feedback or comments about the catering service, please contact Karen Anderson, Catering Manager by email kanderson@kingsdownschool.co.uk
MENU Flyer September 2024
Spring MENU Week 1
Spring MENU Week 2
Spring MENU Week 3
Autumn Week One
Autumn Week Two
Autumn Week Three
Autumn Week Four
Breakfast Tariff
Break Tariff
Cube Tariff
Cold Drinks Tariff
Hot Drinks Tariff
Main Tariff
Window Tariff
Main Counter Tariff
Christmas Dinner 2024
Bonfire Night
Coming Soon
Burns Night
Pancake Day
Welcome Back 2023
New Lunch Order Form
Harrison Food Allergy or Intolerance
Harrison Parent Briefing - New School Food Standards Jan 2015
We aim to raise aspirations, challenge stereotypes and encourage all students to consider a wide range of careers. Through careers education and guidance, we aim to ensure all students make the most of their talents and go on to further and higher education. We ensure that students are prepared for the next stages of their education, employment, self-employment or training. At Kingsdown are a school of excellence bursting with pride and ambition; we firmly believe that all students will be able to access a wider range of careers options with a strong academic grounding, accessed through our knowledge-rich curriculum.
We aim to:
Students received a wide range of resources and lessons that are delivered through our personal development curriculum, tutor sessions, assemblies, trips, and visits, presentations from local business partners. There are also a variety of bespoke sessions that are tailored to the needs and interests of our students.
Our comprehensive careers programme will:
Our strategic lead for careers is Mrs L Strett (Assistant Headteacher) who is supported by our Careers Coordinator, Mrs E Eden.
Mrs Eden provides high quality, impartial careers advice to our students and can be contacted via email: careers@kingsdownschool.co.uk
You can also read our careers policy on this link:
Careers Education Policy
Kingsdown School Provider Access Statement
You can see here our Careers Provision on this link:
Careers provision at Kingsdown School
Hi, I’m Mrs Eden, your Careers Co-ordinator, I’m based in the Careers Centre (opposite the Art Block and next to the Library - LRC).
I will get to meet with you all, at least once by the time you reach the end of Year 11 for structured Careers support meetings but you are also very welcome to pop in and see me as and when you need to.
We know how challenging it can be trying to decide which pathway to take Post-16 (after Kingsdown) which is why our Careers programme and the individual Careers education, information, advice and guidance is designed to support you to make the right decisions to suit YOU and YOUR individual academic and personal needs and YOUR aspirations.
Please take a look at the links below, which we have gathered together to provide you with impartial (not biased) information and advice. If you have any questions, or feel you would benefit from some further guidance, please feel either pop in to the Careers Centre or E-mail me on careers@kingsdownschool.co.uk
Mrs E Eden
Careers Coordinator
In partnership with:
Jess Hill
Study Higher – Student Area: https://www.studyhigher.ac.uk/students/
Contact Jess directly: https://www.studyhigher.ac.uk/students/?user_id=jess-24249
Some useful links are provided for you below.
Careers provision at Kingsdown School
Careers Bulletin 2025_01
Careers Bulletin 2025_02
Relevant stakeholders are asked to review each event they attend as part of Kingsdown School’s Career Programme, which allows us to evaluate if the event was beneficial, whether or not students would recommend it to future year groups and how all parties feel the event could be improved.
If you have any further feedback, please send this to careers@kingsdownschool.co.uk
All students and parents/carers should have access to quality information about future study and work opportunities. Labour Market Information (LMI) can be used to make decisions on which career pathways to choose and how to enter these, and is usually based on certain areas. Below you will find a recent update on the Labour Market that you may find useful.
Or see Mrs Eden for a prospectus.
We are pleased to be working with the following companies, who help to support and develop our careers programme:
This policy statement sets out the school’s arrangements for managing the access of providers to pupils at the school for the purpose of giving them information about the provider’s education or training offer. This complies with the school’s legal obligations under Section 42B of the Education Act 1997.
Click here for more info.
All pupils in years 7-13 are entitled:
Procedure – A provider wishing to request access should contact Mrs Eden, Careers Coordinator, Telephone: (01793) 822284 ext: 118 E-mail: eeden@kingsdownschool.co.uk
Kingsdown School Curriculum
At Kingsdown School, our curriculum is designed to provide a broad and balanced education that equips every student with the knowledge, skills, and values needed to thrive in an ever-changing world. We are committed to developing well-rounded individuals who are ready to make positive contributions to society.
We aim to foster a culture of Respect where all students appreciate diverse perspectives, embrace inclusivity, and engage with their learning environment in a considerate and empathetic manner. Our students are encouraged to take Pride in their achievements and personal growth, celebrating successes and persevering in the face of challenges.
Through a curriculum that is aspirational and enriching, we nurture Ambition in all students, inspiring them to set high expectations for themselves and strive for excellence in everything they do. We promote Responsibility, ensuring that students understand the importance of owning their actions and contributing positively to their community.
Our curriculum is designed to stretch and challenge every learner, providing opportunities for deep thinking, critical analysis, and creative problem-solving. By offering a wide range of academic and vocational subjects, alongside enrichment activities, we support the holistic development of each student, preparing them for further education, the workplace, and life beyond school.
Ultimately, we believe that every student at Kingsdown School should leave with the confidence, resilience, and ambition to shape their own future and achieve their fullest potential.
The school operates a two week timetable with five, one hour teaching lessons each day. Students attend four lessons before lunch and one lesson after. Each day begins with a tutor session or an assembly which begins at 08.20am before the first teaching lesson at 8.45am. Each week in Tutor time, students follow a programme which includes the student bulletin, Book Your Future (a whole class reading programme), leadership time, review of attendance and an assembly. Personal Development, CEIAG and SMSC are delivered through the tutor program and timetabled PD lessons which take place each week for 60 minutes. This is a structured program that ensures progression across five years to ensure the statutory curriculum is delivered, and more.
Students at Key Stage 3 follow a common curriculum comprising:
The KS3 Curriculum is designed to enhance the learning undertaken in the primary schools to provide students with the foundations to follow their chosen courses in KS4. The KS3 curriculum offers more than these foundations as it broadens and enriches the learning experience across a wealth of different subject disciplines.
In the vast majority of subjects - with mathematics as an exception - students are taught in tutor groups or other mixed ability classes. However, on entry, students who have identified barriers to learning for reading and numeracy, and who are significantly below their age-related expectations are taught as one group. Here they have further time to engage with reading and numeracy programmes, rather than study a language, to enable them to close the gaps on their peers and to make accelerated progress. These students access the Kingsdown Inclusive Pathway Curriculum (IPC) at a pace that allows for further scaffolding and modelling to enable success.
At key stage 4, students study the core subjects including Personal Development. Students are also offered a suite of optional subjects of which four can be selected.
The common core comprises of:
Students are encouraged to select a balance of subjects to include the arts, languages and humanities. One option must be an EBacc subject and includes one of Triple Science, History, Geography, French or Computer Science.
The subject choices for KS4 study for examinations to be taken in 2026 are as follows.
The KS4 offer is reviewed annually. Selected students who demonstrate the aptitude for the Ebacc pathway embark on the Ebacc certificate. Here they choose a language, a humanities subject and 2 further option choices.
The vast majority of courses lead to GCSE (9-1) examinations whereas Health and Social Care, Business Retail and Sport Science courses offered are level 2 vocational courses (P1-D2*). The majority of students therefore can achieve up to nine level 2 qualifications.
We offer an alternative pathway for a small number of targeted students at KS4. They pursue a pathway that provides extra time and support in their humanities option and core subjects in place of a fourth option. This will include study skills to prepare pupils for enrolment on traineeships and the next compulsory stage of education and training.
Compare the performance of schools and colleges in England: LINK
Curriculum Map:
Art Curriculum Map
Computing Curriculum Map
Computer Science Curriculum Map
Design Technology Curriculum Map
Drama Curriculum Map
English Curriculum Map
Food Curriculum Map
French Curriculum Map
Geography Curriculum Map
Geography KS3 Curriculum Map
History Curriculum Map
Mathematics Curriculum Map
Music Curriculum Map
Photography Curriculum Map
Physical Education Curriculum Map
Personal Development Curriculum Map
Religious Studies Curriculum Map
Retail Business Curriculum Map
Science Curriculum Map
Mrs E Leigh-Bennett
Email: head@kingsdownschool.co.uk
General Enquiries:
Mrs J Ellis - enquiries@kingsdownschool.co.uk
Mrs L Clements | SENCO - sendco@kingsdownschool.co.uk
Kingsdown School
Hyde Road
Stratton St Margaret
Swindon SN2 7SH
The Front Office is open 7:30am - 4pm Monday to Thursday and 7:30am - 3:30pm on Fridays.
The School Day timings for students is: Arrive 08:15am - 02:45pm | After School Activities - 32.5 hours.
Tel: 01793 822284
Please note, all calls are recorded for monitoring and training purposes.
Kingsdown School is an academy which is a part of the River Learning Trust which is an exempt charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales with registered company number 7966500 and its registered office is C/O Gosford Hill School, Oxford Road, Kidlington, Oxfordshire, OX5 2NT
In both key stages we report on each student’s attitude to learning in all subject areas. This is reported on termly. In order to provide a grade for the attitude to learning, we use the Kingsdown Beats as descriptors.
For this element we award a grade between 1 and 4.
In addition, we also report on the commitment to Home Learning. This is because we value Home Learning as the research tells us that students who commit to completing home learning in a timely manner are most likely to achieve a minimum of one grade higher than expected in their GCSE examinations.
For this element we grade between 1 and 3
In addition to reporting on Attitudes to Learning, we also report on your child’s attainment and progress 3 times a year in terms 2, 4 and 6.
In KS3, all departments report a percentage attainment grade for knowledge-based assessments and summative assessments. Your child’s report will be colour coded to identify where there are strengths and areas for development.
Knowledge-based assessments test a students ability to retain the core knowledge required for the course they are studying, whereas summative-based assessments test a students’ ability to apply that knowledge; making links to prior learning and applying the knowledge to new learning. Feedback given from all these assessments aid each student to know their individual strengths and areas for development and enable all students to make progress across the key stage.
Knowledge tests normally take place following a home learning activity and students will be asked to demonstrate how much they know and remember from the Knowledge Organiser. There will be at least one summative-based assessment each term which will assess the students’ ability to make links to previous knowledge and to apply their knowledge to new situations. We report this data home to parents at the end of Terms 2, 4 and 6.
For students in years 10 we issue a current attainment grade that shows whether they are demonstrating emerging/ developing knowledge, securing their knowledge or are demonstrating that they understand and apply the knowledge at a greater depth. Your child’s report will be colour coded to identify where there are strengths and areas for development. This will be reported 3 times a year.
In year 11 students receive a current attainment grade which students have been awarded based on a Mock Exam, these take place in terms 2 and 4. Your child’s report will be colour coded to identify where there are strengths and areas for development. There will also be a professional prediction which will be based on current attainment as well as attitude to learning. It indicates what a student is likely to achieve in each of their subjects in the summer examinations if they continue to work at their current level of effort and attainment.
Should your child be absent from school or need to leave early/arrive late due to an appointment, please inform us on the following email: studentabsence@kingsdownschool.co.uk
Students arriving late or leaving early without any parent communication will be asked to wait until phone confirmation of the appointment has been received.
At Kingsdown School we want our students to be in school learning and striving for success. Research has shown that high attendance and good punctuality are crucial factors in students achieving their full potential in education. For this reason, we reward and celebrate students who achieve 100% attendance and whose attendance is improving each half term.
If a student’s attendance falls below 95% this is considered a cause for concern - and if your child’s attendance is below 90% your child is considered to be persistently absent. Whilst some absence from school is unavoidable, it is vital that all students strive to be in school every day. Parental support in achieving this is absolutely crucial.
Department for Education statistics show that of pupils who missed between 10% and 20% of school, only 35% manage to go on to achieve five good GCSEs. This compares with 73% of pupils with over 95% attendance. Furthermore, attendance records are included with a reference written by the school and therefore poor attendance can have further damaging long term consequences.
The target attendance figure for all students is a minimum of 96% attendance.
Attendance and progress of students at the end of year 11 are strongly linked. Below is a graph that shows for the cohort of students who left in 2019, how their attendance in year 11 linked to their overall progress. A progress 8 score of 0 would mean that a student is making the same level of progress as students nationally who achieved the same results at the end of key stage 2.
Your child will be informed of their current attendance every 2 weeks. They will record it in their planner. We are monitoring students closely whose attendance is falling and will contact you if your child’s attendance does not improve. As a parent/carer you are committing an offence if you fail to ensure that your child attends school regularly and punctually, even if they are missing school without your knowledge. It is important that parents/carers monitor single days of absence, as these days soon add up to weeks. Attendance is rewarded each week with achievement points and prize draws in assembly.
As a parent, there are important steps that we would ask you to take to support us in this focus on high levels of attendance:
• Ensure your child attends every day, on time, equipped and ready to learn. Roll Call is at 8.15am and students should be on site by 8.10am. The front gates will be closed at 8.15am. Students are considered late if the arrive after 8.15am and will be registered by a member of our pastoral team as being late.
• Ensure the school has up to date addresses and telephone numbers. We will contact you if your child is absent and you have not contacted the school. This ensures that any absence is quickly identified.
If your child is ill, please contact the school on each day of absence and provide an explanatory note on their return to school.
If no contact is received regarding the absence, it is recorded as unauthorised. Ultimately the school is responsible for deciding if the absence is acceptable or not. Only genuine absence will be authorised. You will be asked to provide medical certificates if your child has a poor attendance record.
Please ensure that dental and medical appointments are made outside of school time.
Avoid trivial absences such as, ‘buying new shoes’. This would not be accepted as a reasonable absence.
Respond to letters or telephone calls regarding attendance and punctuality.
With your continued support, we aim to raise the attendance of every student and in doing so, also raise their academic achievement.
If you have any concerns or questions regarding Attendance & Absence please do not hesitate to contact me.
I am available from 8.30am - 3.00pm every day and you are welcome to contact me on 01793 822284, via email: studentabsence@kingsdownschool.co.uk or by arranging an appointment at a mutually convenient time within the school day.
Additionally, I will contact you should we have any attendance or punctuality concerns regarding your child.
Finally, a reminder that all students are expected to attend school every day and on time, unless they are unwell, in which case medical evidence may be requested.
Thank you for your support.
Mrs F Williams
Attendance Officer
Mrs K Agambar
SLT Attendance Lead
Medical Evidence may be requested for 5 or more consecutive school days absence due to illness (3 days if prior to or after a school holiday).
It is essential that the Attendance Officer is notified every day that a student is off sick. This is not only keeps your child’s Attendance records accurate but also ensures their safety. If you were to send your child back to school and we assume they are still absent due to illness an incident could occur, on the way to school, that neither parties are aware of.
(for Family Holiday/Non School Activity i.e. sporting fixtures/performing arts etc.)
If in doubt please contact the Student Absence Team [studentabsence@kingsdownschool.co.uk}.
A ‘Request for Leave of Absence’ form should be completed and returned to the Attendance Officer. Forms can be collected from the Reception or downloaded below in the Important Documents section. Please note that the reply process can take up to two weeks.
Please note below, changes to term time holiday as directed by Swindon Borough Education Welfare, Legal Dept. The following will take immediate effect:
Family Holiday will not be granted during term time unless the Head Teacher considers it to be extenuating circumstances.
Request for Leave of Absence Form
Penalty Notices and Your Legal Rights Year 7-10
Penalty Notices and Your Legal Rights Year 11
School Attendance - Parents Guide
Pharmacy First - an NHS service offering quick access to healthcare advice
NHS - Should I keep my child off school?
Kingsdown is a mixed 11-16 Academy. We are a popular school and most of our students come from our three feeder schools in Stratton St Margaret, and one in a neighbouring village of South Marston. Students also choose to join us from out of area, space permitting. We have 9 forms of entry into each year group. In addition, we have students attending our Autistic Spectrum Condition (ASC) Centre. The Centre is specifically designed, staffed and built for students on the Autistic spectrum.
The pastoral team and the school has made great advances in its knowledge of each and every one of its students; teachers are provided with high quality and valuable information about the prior attainment of every student in their teaching groups, which ensures that pupil’s individual needs can be met appropriately.
We continually monitor and evaluate our performance and aim to provide the best all-round education for our students, preparing them for their future lives beyond school.
Kingsdown is a thriving and happy school where students want to learn. We invite you to come and visit us to see the school in action. Please contact the school if you would like any further information or would like to arrange a visit.
‘We champion each and every student’
It isn’t just students at Kingsdown School who have access to all of the amazing facilities available at the Kingsdown Sports Centre; the venue is also available for community hire.
We have a newly built FA accredited 3G artificial turf pitch, already being used by local clubs for various sports.
If you wish to make a booking or see more details about what we offer, please use our online booking system at https://kingsdown.schoolhire.co.uk or call us on 01793 822284.
Information below is primarily aimed for parents & students starting with us in Year 7, but will also benefit older students joining us in other year groups.
Transition Days for Year 6 for this year (2025) are 2nd and 3rd July.
Transitions days for Year 6 will typically be in the last term before leaving primary school. Over the course of the two days, the students will meet their tutor and spend time in their tutor groups and experience some of the subjects they will cover in year 7. Students need to bring lunch with them on both days and will need to wear their primary school uniform.
General details will be on our Parents > Uniform page.
Progress Leader: Mrs Gilbert
Tutor Team:
### TBC ###
Email contact details can be obtained here.
I should see my Tutor for day to day issues and concerns
I should see my Progress Leader for more serious or ongoing issues
I should see my Subject Teacher for subject related concerns
At Kingsdown School, we want you to work hard and have a positive attitude towards your education. Staff members can reward you by giving achievement points and also be rewarding you with gold cards. These are worth 25 points and will be presented weekly in tutor time. You can earn achievement points by displaying the Kingsdown Beats: Respect & responsibility, Stretch & Challenge and Pride & Ambition. If you make poor choices, you will receive behaviour points. These will be deducted from your achievement points to give you a conduct balance.
Please see our Parents > Attendance & Absence page for details.
You will have a two week timetable that will be given to you on your first day. You will have a copy in your planner which should be on you at all times. During each week, there will be some lessons where you require additional equipment. You will be told in advance what you need to bring but will include: PE kit, cooking ingredients (during DT food rotation).
(Please be aware times and timetables are currently changing due to Covid-19)
Since September 2018, students will register with their tutors first thing in the morning. All students need to be on site from 8.30am. There are five 1 hour lessons each day with a 20 minute morning break and 40 minute lunch time. On a Friday week 2, school finishes early for students to allow staff to work together in Curriculum Innovation Time.
Please see Our School > Curriculum page for details.
Clubs take place at lunch times and after school most days. A timetable will be issued at the start of term and the range of activities we offer is diverse. These typically include:
Orchestra, Choir, Chamber Choir, Ensemble, Keyboard Club, Drama, Netball, Football, Basketball, Fitness, Hockey, Dance, Art Textiles, Art, Chess.
Throughout the year, several events will be running for year 7 students. We would like as many parents and students to support these events as possible.
The document linked below contains further information
Kingsdown School welcomes new applications from students living within the local community. Applications can be made for students moving from Year 6 to into the new academic year in September or throughout the year into all year groups.
Year 4, 5 & 6 tours are available for prospective parents, please contact head@kingsdownschool.co.uk for details on dates and booking. We look forward to welcoming you and your child to Kingsdown.
Please also visit our ‘Choose Us’ page for our prospectus.
We will be holding an open evening for prospective parents on 26th September 2024 starting at 5.00pm and finishing at 7:00pm. No booking required.
The deadline for those wishing to transition in 2025 from primary school to the Swindon secondary school of your choice is typically the 31st of October 2024. Contact Swindon Council if you need to make a late application.
We provide an excellent transition package for new Year 6 students who join the school. The transition package includes numerous visits to Kingsdown for taster days, transition activities including technology days, the Summer School and performances such as literacy festivals and concerts. Our staff and students also visit the Primary schools in order to familiarise them with the Kingsdown Community. Additionally, Kingsdown staff meet with primary teachers to ensure we are aware of all students needs that are joining us, and put support packages in place where appropriate.
We accept new applications and assess them in line with our admissions criteria. The admissions criteria include the following:
We are happy to offer parents and students a tour of the school and the opportunity to speak to staff and students. Please contact our Admissions Officer Mrs K Ridley on 01793 822 284 or email admissions@kingsdownschool.co.uk for more information. We look forward to your application.
Applications are made with the local authority, Swindon Borough Council, and the link to their admissions site is below.
Swindon Borough Council Admissions
Our current admission policies can be viewed by clicking the links below:
Admissions Policy ‘Year 6 into 7’ 2023-24
Admissions Policy ‘In Year’ 2023-2024
Admission Appeals Timeline 23/24
Admissions 2024-25 Year 6 into Year 7
Admissions 2024-25 In Year
See what some of our students, parents, and teachers say about our school:
“Daisy absolutely loves being part of Kingsdown School and we’ve been so pleased that we made the choice to send her to you.”Year 8 Parent
“I feel compelled to write you after our visit to your school. My son visited your school and came away from Kingsdown with feelings of hope, happiness, ambition and, more importantly, the feeling that your school will push and give him the confidence and knowledge that he needs.”Year 6 parent who attended our Open Evening – September 2021
“My wife and I looked carefully at the Ofsted Reports and DfE performance data for the schools in Swindon. We were extremely impressed with the results for Kingsdown and especially from 2019. We feel very lucky to have one of the top schools in Swindon on our doorstep. Our daughter is so pleased to be joining Kingsdown.”Prospective parent
“Thank you for bringing our community spirit back to life and for our children to have a safe, encouraging and aspirational place of education - and all on our doorstep.”Year 6 parent
“Kingsdown is my second family. I feel safe, happy and challenged. I have lots of fun too.”Kaicy – Year 9 student
“My teachers support me in what I love doing and help me achieve goals that I didn’t think possible.”Cameron – Year 9 student
“I visited last year and again the difference was palpable. Kingsdown again feels like a different school.”Mr Beadnell - Headteacher, Ruskin
“Working at Kingsdown is fast-paced and exciting. It has inspired me to challenge myself in a professional capacity. It is hugely rewarding.”Mrs. R Lees - Assistant Headteacher
Year 4, 5 & 6 tours are available for prospective parents, please contact head@kingsdownschool.co.uk for details on dates and booking. We look forward to welcoming you and your child to Kingsdown.
The open evening will be 26th September | 5:00 - 7:00 pm :: 2024
For more details on admissions process, & application deadlines, please see our Admissions page.
Welcome to Kingsdown School. We are located in Stratton St Margaret, North Swindon.
As Headteacher I am immensely proud of all the teams that support and champion our school - our teaching staff, our professional support staff, our Governors, the RLT [River Learning Trust], our parents and, most notably, our students.
At Kingsdown School, we are committed to making 3 promises to your child and to your family:
Our Vision for Kingsdown is that it becomes - “a school of excellence bursting with pride and ambition”. In delivering this vision, our students are learning the power of learning, are equipped to achieve excellence at school and to relish a lifetime of learning that will follow. At Kingsdown, their teachers are learning ever better techniques to challenge, inspire and enrich student experiences both in and outside the classroom.
Finally, our leaders are learning to be ever better leaders.
Our Mission Statement is that “we champion each and every student”. We care deeply about the health, safety and wellbeing of each and every student. We care deeply about nurturing strong relationships between all our stakeholders.
Our school culture is underpinned by our Kingsdown BEATs in which each and every student is encouraged and supported to live up to our 6 BEATs and become the very best version of themselves.
I hope you enjoy exploring our website to gain a deeper understanding of how and why our school means so much, to so many.
There is no better way of judging a school than making a visit on a normal school day and we are always happy to welcome visitors to Kingsdown.
We very much look forward to welcoming you to our school.
With warmest best wishes.
Mrs Leigh-Bennett
Hyde Road, Stratton St Margaret, Swindon SN2 7SH
Tel: 01793 822284
Please note, all calls are recorded for monitoring and training purposes.
If you would like a hard copy of anything on the website please contact enquiries@kingsdownschool.co.uk
Part of the
Kingsdown School is an academy which is a part of the River Learning Trust which is an exempt charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales with registered company number 7966500 and its registered office is C/O Gosford Hill School, Oxford Road, Kidlington, Oxfordshire, OX5 2NT