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Disadvantaged Students

Disadvantaged Students

Pupil Premium & Catch-up

Documents and Reports

KDS Pupil Premium Strategy 2024_2025
KDS Pupil Premium Strategy 2023_2024
KDS Pupil Premium Strategy 2022_2023
KDS Pupil Premium Strategy 2021_2022
Disadvantaged Students’ Strategy 2019-20
Year 7 Pupil Premium Catch up Funding 2019-20

Pupil Premium Statement 2024-25

The Pupil Premium was introduced by the Coalition Government in January 2011 to improve educational outcomes for our most disadvantaged students. The government gives additional funds for each student receiving Free School Meals (FSM), registered Children Looked After (CLA) and any child who has been in receipt of Free School Meals in the last six years (known as Ever6 FSM). In addition to these groups, a lesser sum is given for children with parents in the Armed Forces.

At Kingsdown we are committed to ensuring disadvantaged students have the same high aspirations and opportunities to enable them to exceed their potential. The support and intervention strategy is led by one of the Assistant Headteachers. We will continue to use the funding for disadvantaged students to support students to raise standards of attainment and progress, improve attendance and attitude to learning. Kingsdown School bases its strategies for the use of funding for disadvantaged students on the findings of The Sutton Trust. The funding has been used in a number of different areas, including but not limited to:

  • Tuition - To increase staffing for specialist interventions especially in English and Mathematics. We have increased provision in Year 7 and Year 9 interventions in literacy and numeracy.
  • Support staff – To provide staffing in The Student Support Centre which supports students’ attendance, self-esteem and attitudes to learning. To increase staffing to run our after-school Home Learning Club known as the Learning Lounge and before school specialist reading interventions.
  • Interventions & keyworkers – 1:1 tuition, Assessment for learning resources and INSET for staff, reading interventions through the SEND School of Learning, revision sessions for students, 1:1 mathematics and English support.
  • Ensuring all students have equal access and opportunities to take part in wider Kingsdown Life (e.g. school trips, educational visits and support extra-curricular activities) which some students would otherwise not be able to afford.
  • Providing resources such as revision materials which would otherwise pose a barrier to learning.

In Term 1, for each student, a review takes place in order to assess their needs and plan a personalised provision to support their school experience.

If your son/daughter does not have Free School Meals, but may be eligible because of your family’s income level, please do contact us (in confidence) to register. Even if you do not wish him/her to have the meals, this would mean the school could still claim funding that may be used to help your child.

To register your son/daughter for Free School Meals, please contact the school office on 01793 822284.

For more details about the Pupil Premium please visit: http://www.education.gov.uk/schools/pupilsupport/premium

Financial Support

Kingsdown School recognises that there are families that might need support during their child’s education from time to time.  A support fund has been established to help support these families.  Please click below for further details about eligibility and application.

    Financial Support Application - Kingsdown School 24-25



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