Pencelli Trip 2023-24

29 April 2024

Pencelli Trip 2023-24

On Sunday 21st April 2024, 47 year 8 students and 5 staff departed by coach for Swindon Borough Council sponsored Plas Pencelli in south Wales, for a week of outdoor activities. Students would stay together in their activity group to take part in mountain walking, rock climbing, canoeing/kayaking, caving and gorge walking, that was only in the day! In the evenings, activities would include the Dingle descent, orienteering, problem solving, a football tournament and a walk in the local area. Plenty to keep them occupied and hopefully sleep, but that wasn’t the case for the first few evenings, too much excitement and chatting kept many awake well into the wee hours. Each morning the students would have a hearty breakfast of cereals, toast and a Pencelli cooked breakfast, after which they would make their own packed lunches and headed to their instructors for their activities briefing. Once briefed it was off to get changed into their activities clothing and collect their equipment before heading out for a day of fun and adventures.

After day 1 activities the students returned to the centre, showered and had some time to chill before dinner at 6pm. Everyone came together in the dining hall for a meal before heading out for a competitive and exciting evening of orienteering in the lovely grounds of Plas Pencelli.
Lights out at 10.30pm but sleep didn’t happen for everyone!!

Day 2 evening activity was the Dingle descent, students wearing full waterproofs descended into the valley that runs along the edge of the centre’s grounds, in the stream with overgrown banks, fallen trees, rocks and small boulders. In teams the students navigated over and under, sometimes through challenges along the Dingle. Not many remained dry and that included the staff (Mr Holmes in particular taking many a plunge into the water). Back for hot showers
and a change of clothes before some free time.

Day 3 was the highly anticipated football tournament. After quite a busy few days the students who didn’t play football welcomed an evening to chill with their friends and the opportunity to sit and chat, play board games, read and a cup of hot chocolate. A really lovely evening getting to know new people and make new friends.

Day 4 we had two birthdays to celebrate, Happy birthday to Charlie and Maisy, both students climbed Pen Y Fan with their birthday sashes and amazing photographs taken on the summit. After dinner the evening activity was problem solving, in groups students moved from minesweeper mats, crossing the shark infested waters with crates and planks, team ski-ing across the courtyard and gutterball, using short pieces of guttering to move a ball from A to B.
Some fantastic team work, working together to solve the challenges and a lot of fun was had.

Day 5 Friday was Mrs Matthews’ birthday, so we treated her to Gorge walking with all the students through the beautiful forest, following the Nant Bwrefwr waterway, sitting in waterfalls, sliding down rocks into water pools, walking along fallen trees, and through the 700m long disused railway tunnel. From the light into darkness before the light reappeared. An experience that challenges the senses. Back to the centre to change, eat birthday cake and
return back to school and waiting families.

Congratulations and thank you to our wonderful year 8 students who made Pencelli 2024 a fun filled, exciting and enjoyable trip for everyone. So many happy smiley faces were seen each day and so many memories were made.

Thank you, from all the Pencelli staff:

Miss Maller, Mrs Ridley, Mrs Matthews, Mr Vigar, Mr Holmes.

More picts can be found at KDS Facebook

Beats - Pride
Beats - Ambition
Beats - Stretch
Beats - Challenge
Beats - Respect
Beats - Responsibility