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Disadvantaged Students
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Kingsdown School Prospectus
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Promoting British Values
The River Learning Trust
School’s History
SEN & Disability Provision
Term Dates - School Day
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Kingsdown Music Development Plan
KDS Culture
House System
SEN & Disability Provision
At Kingsdown School we believe that the most effective intervention for our SEND students is ‘quality first teaching’ This means that the students’ engagement, progress and attainment hinges on their day-to-day experiences in classrooms, rather than small groups or one to one interventions.
Our emphasis on high-quality task design, explanations, modelling, practice and oracy through our TEMPO strategy have a significantly disproportionate impact on our SEND students. However, our focus on those five teaching and learning strands will have an even greater impact when teachers make adjustments that are sensitive to the specific needs of the children in their class.
We use our review cycle to identify how your child is progressing and if your child requires a higher level of support this would be through our Targeted Provision.
Targeted Provision
Targeted support is delivered through small groups or 1:1 intervention which may focus on the four areas of need. (Cognition & Learning, Communication & Interaction, Social, Emotional & Mental Health or Physical & Sensory.
These may include;
Fresh Start, Lexia, Numicon Big Ideas, Zones of Regulation, Talk About Series, Drawing & Talking, or ELSA. We may also ask professionals to work with your child within an intervention or a 1:1 basis.
Specialist Provision
Children with an EHCP at Kingsdown school receive a higher level of support which can include 1:1 support in classrooms, 1:1 interventions and external agency support, alongside any targeted or universal support.
Specialist Resource Provision
Kingsdown has an Autistic Spectrum Condition Centre, which was opened in 2003. It is designed for students who are academically capable of accessing the mainstream curriculum but need more support than can be offered in a totally mainstream environment. Admission to the centre is through an EHCP and has to be agreed by a panel of professionals at Swindon Borough Council. All students admitted to the centre have an EHCP with Autism named as their primary need. Students follow the mainstream curriculum and attend classes with Educational Support Champions. However, all students are withdrawn from certain lessons so they can complete home learning and also work on developing their social communication and interaction, personal development and life skills in addition to receiving a wealth of other targeted interventions.
Anxious and vulnerable students across the school have daily access to ‘The Haven Club’, which enables them to have a safe space for unstructured, busy times of the day. We provide resources to support the learning of those who will benefit from them and constantly monitor, support and intervene when any individual is falling behind with their attainment.
Hyde Road, Stratton St Margaret, Swindon SN2 7SH
Tel: 01793 822284
Please note, all calls are recorded for monitoring and training purposes.
If you would like a hard copy of anything on the website please contact enquiries@kingsdownschool.co.uk
Part of the
Kingsdown School is an academy which is a part of the River Learning Trust which is an exempt charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales with registered company number 7966500 and its registered office is C/O Gosford Hill School, Oxford Road, Kidlington, Oxfordshire, OX5 2NT