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Welcome to all parents, carers and our school community.
My name is Vanessa Edwards and I am privileged to be Chair of Governors following a period of five years as a Parent Governor. As a Governing Body we all want the very best for Kingsdown and we strive to ensure that objectives of both staff and students are met with continuous improvement in all areas. We are supported in this via the River Learning Trust.
The Governors are from a range of backgrounds, Finance, Education, IT, NHS to name a few, who work together with the School to ensure the best for our students and staff. As a Governing Body we are often in school for meetings with Emma, the Senior Leadership Team, Staff and Students. We really value Student Voice and listening to what our students say.
If you are interested in being a Governor please do get in touch with our Clerk on Mrs K Compton - kcompton@kingsdownschool.co.uk
Vanessa Edwards
Full details: including full name, term of office or more details are available in the following PDFs:
Governors Register of Business Interest 2024-25
Governance Structures 2024-25
RLT Scheme of Delegation 2023
Complaints Policy April 2025
Governing Body Attendance Record:
While there are several types of governors, the role of each governor is to work as part of a team supporting a school and the Headteacher to decide school policy, help recruit staff and manage budgets.
The governors meet as a full body 6 times per year where they are updated on the performance and status of aspects of the school.
Schools need people who have energy, enthusiasm and fresh ideas to support them as governors. You don’t need to have had any previous experience or knowledge. Common sense, a genuine interest in education and commitment are the most important qualities required.
Becoming a governor could be a way of contributing to your local school and learning new skills. You don’t have to have a child at a school to become a governor.
Parents, staff and members of the community may wish to contact governors to express views, and governors very much welcome any such messages, as we are keen to keep in touch with and take account of these views. It is important to say though, that any day to day queries relating to named students should always be directed to school staff first, so that they can discuss and deal with matters in the normal way. Similarly, staff should use their usual line management and communication links in the first instance. Additionally, if you have a complaint, please follow the official procedure outlined in the following document:
If you would like to contact governors on a particular issue they may be contacted through the Clerk to the Governors: Mrs K Compton - kcompton@kingsdownschool.co.uk
Hyde Road, Stratton St Margaret, Swindon SN2 7SH
Tel: 01793 822284
Please note, all calls are recorded for monitoring and training purposes.
If you would like a hard copy of anything on the website please contact enquiries@kingsdownschool.co.uk
Part of the
Kingsdown School is an academy which is a part of the River Learning Trust which is an exempt charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales with registered company number 7966500 and its registered office is C/O Gosford Hill School, Oxford Road, Kidlington, Oxfordshire, OX5 2NT