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Equality Diversity Inclusion (EDI)

Equality Diversity Inclusion (EDI)

We believe that to truly champion every member of our school community we must strive to be a diverse and equitable school in which every member of the school community feels like they are seen, heard and belong. As a school, we are committed to the highest ideals in our search for full equality, diversity and inclusion; and this is central to our school’s ethos and values as outlined in our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) statement:
Our school is mindful of its duties under The Equality Act 2010 and the Public Sector Equalities Duties (2011), which require us to publish equality information and equality objectives, which should be specific, measurable and timely. The three aims of the general equality duty are to:

  • Eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation and other conduct prohibited by the act
  • Advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not
  • Foster good relations between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not
  • The governing body and staff of the school have adopted the River Learning Trust’s Equality, Diversity and Inclusion policy (EDI) RLT Equality Diversity and Inclusion Policy and share the values included in it. The promotion of the three aims of the equality duty is inherent in the school’s mission, which is ‘We champion each and every student’ and in the six ‘Beats’ which underpin the culture of the school for students and staff alike:

  • Pride: I am proud of who I am and our school. I take advantage of every opportunity Ambition: I expect the best from myself.
  • Ambition: I have ambitious aspirations for my future
  • Stretch: I really want to learn and will stretch myself to achieve what I didn’t think was possible
  • Challenge: I am curious, determined and resilient. Set me a challenge and I will always rise to it
  • Respect: I am considerate. I care about others and my surroundings. I encourage and expect others to do the same
  • Responsibility: We are all part of something special and I am not going to let us down. My attendance really matters.

  • Rights Respecting School
    As a school moving to be rights respecting EDI is at the heart of our discussions around young people being able to enjoy their rights, how we as duty bearers need to ensure students rights are protected and how all members of the community need to respect the rights of others. This rights education which discussions about protected characteristics takes place during tutor times, assemblies, peer education, in PD lessons and throughout the curriculum where it it relevant. This education comes in the form of learning about rights, learning through the modelling of how people should be treated by staff and students and learning about for the rights of others, especially when people do not have their rights protected.


    Champions of change
    Our champions of change are a group of students who promote the celebration and in some cases education around protected characteristics especially throwing a spotlight on identity based bullying. They have led assemblies raising awareness for example of LGBTQ+ History and have created resources to share with students to consider during tutor time. This year they are focusing on:


    What are we doing this year?

  • Black History month assemblies and tutor activities
  • Charity event House competition collecting food bank items for Harvest festival
  • Festivals assembly looking at the diverse religious festivals in the months of Nov and Dec
  • International day of women assemblies
  • Rights respecting assemblies and activities linked particularly to article 2
  • Anti-bullying assemblies and activities

    Equality objectives for 2024-25

    Objective 1: To ensure that disadvantaged students:

      have low levels of absence
      have limited progress gaps to the NDA students
      have below average suspension rates

    Objective 2: To ensure that SEND students:

      have low levels of absence
      have limited progress gaps to the NSEND students
      have below average suspension rates


    Objective 3: To further embed a culture of respectful relationships and kindness to all across all stakeholders.


    Beats - Pride
    Beats - Ambition
    Beats - Stretch
    Beats - Challenge
    Beats - Respect
    Beats - Responsibility