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Attitude to Learning

In both key stages we report on each student’s attitude to learning in all subject areas.  This is reported on termly.  In order to provide a grade for the attitude to learning, we use the Kingsdown Beats as descriptors. 

For this element we award a grade between 1 and 4.

  • ‘1’ indicates that your child is always demonstrating each of the BEATs in all lessons for the subject
  • ‘2’ indicates that your child is mostly demonstrating each of the BEATs in all lessons for the subject
  • ‘3’ indicates that your child has received a warning for their attitude to learning in that subject area
  • ‘4’ indicates that your child has received 2 or more warnings or has been exited as a result of their attitude to learning in the subject area

In addition, we also report on the commitment to Home Learning.  This is because we value Home Learning as the research tells us that students who commit to completing home learning in a timely manner are most likely to achieve a minimum of one grade higher than expected in their GCSE examinations.

For this element we grade between 1 and 3

  • ‘1’ indicates that all home learning is always completed and to a high standard for the term
  • ‘2’ indicates that all home learning is completed but is not always the students’ best effort for the term
  • ‘3’ indicates that the student has at least one missed home learning for the term
  • ‘4’ indicates that the student has 3 or more missed home learnings for that term


In addition to reporting on Attitudes to Learning, we also report on your child’s attainment and progress 3 times a year in terms 2, 4 and 6.

Key Stage 3

In KS3, all departments report a percentage attainment grade for knowledge-based assessments and summative assessments. Your child’s report will be colour coded to identify where there are strengths and areas for development.

Knowledge-based assessments test a students ability to retain the core knowledge required for the course they are studying, whereas summative-based assessments test a students’ ability to apply that knowledge; making links to prior learning and applying the knowledge to new learning. Feedback given from all these assessments aid each student to know their individual strengths and areas for development and enable all students to make progress across the key stage.

Knowledge tests normally take place following a home learning activity and students will be asked to demonstrate how much they know and remember from the Knowledge Organiser. There will be at least one summative-based assessment each term which will assess the students’ ability to make links to previous knowledge and to apply their knowledge to new situations. We report this data home to parents at the end of Terms 2, 4 and 6.

Key Stage 4

For students in years 10 we issue a current attainment grade that shows whether they are demonstrating emerging/ developing knowledge, securing their knowledge or are demonstrating that they understand and apply the knowledge at a greater depth.  Your child’s report will be colour coded to identify where there are strengths and areas for development.  This will be reported 3 times a year.

In year 11 students receive a current attainment grade which students have been awarded based on a Mock Exam, these take place in terms 2 and 4.  Your child’s report will be colour coded to identify where there are strengths and areas for development.  There will also be a professional prediction which will be based on current attainment as well as attitude to learning. It indicates what a student is likely to achieve in each of their subjects in the summer examinations if they continue to work at their current level of effort and attainment.

Beats - Pride
Beats - Ambition
Beats - Stretch
Beats - Challenge
Beats - Respect
Beats - Responsibility